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Help a young hunter get a liver!

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WELL !? Whats goin on with the Buffalo hunt - Something should have happened by now ! Any news from the hunters?huntress. Gary

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I heard a little news. I think Sadie will be going back up soon. There will be a softball benefit tournament for her now too. Good luck to her again!

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Hi Everyone! We wanted to THANK everyone for all your support, prayer's, and very generous donations for Sadie's transplant!

Liver Transplant Update:

We met with most of the transplant team from the U of A Center last Friday. Dave and I were very impressed! They seemed very good! They sent us in for many new bloodtests that no one else has done to rule out other auto-immune illnesses and to see if one of her medications is working. After they get all of these results, they will have her come down for a 3 day transplant analysis. (Many tests, MRI, etc) This will tell them how soon she would need the transplant or if they can put it off for a while with medication. We will keep you guys informed as we go through all of this!


Buffalo Hunt Update:

Lance, the Buffalo guide has been calling all weekend to get Sadie back up there! He has found the Buffalo but needs a Hunter to come kill one! Sadie played in a Softball tournament all weekend, and got home yesterday late afternoon and started packing. She and her brother Cole, and Dave left about two or three hours ago to kill a Buffalo! We will let you know when she gets one and post pictures!


Thank you again from our entire famiy!!


Debbie and Dave Anderson :rolleyes:

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hello - thanks Debbie - hope Sadie has a little luck this trip and takes down a buffalo - we all wish her a safe trip and a tag filled.



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Don't forget to stop by the AZGFD office in Mesa on Tues. We will be there selling raffle tickets for the 3 hunts for Sadie! Hopefully I get a call from Sadie while I'm there telling me she just shot a giant Buffalo! Amanda will also be there along with Eddie Corona from Outdoor Experience 4 All doing a blood drive. This is an awesome cause and it only takes a few minutes to give blood. Call your family and friends and bring them too. We will also have replicas we just finished of an Amazing 154 6/8 inch coues Buck we took in Mexico and a Giant palmated 140+Buck recently picked up in AZ. Come by and say hi...



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Are you mailing raffle tickets to those of us who sent checks by mail? I haven't got mine yet. Thanks!

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Anyone that requested to have their half of the tickets mailed to them, we mailed out. Only a few people requested them. If you stated you wanted them and havent received them by the end of the week, give me a call and let me know. Remember the winner doesn't have to be present at the drawing to win and you don't need the other half of the ticket. Thanks for your donation and let me know if i can answer any questions?



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Thanks Derek, wasn't sure how that worked. Then I got to thinking , I hope the wife mailed it out..... :unsure:

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Hello, My name is Sharon. I'm writing for myself and my husband, Ken. We are Sadie's Grandparents. Our hearts are so full of Graditude for what you are all doing for Sadie, we can't Thank you enough. Of course we think Sadie and her family are very very special but we could be a tad prejudice. I know that God answers prayers and never gives anyone more than they can handle if they only trust him. I think in this instance he has answered our prayers for help and strength by sending a whole army of Angels to support Sadie and her family. Derek, surely there is a special place in heaven for you and the people you have enlisted to help. You are certainly lightening Dave & Debbie's burdens.


God love you all, those you love and those who love you. Grandma

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