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Sir Buckwheat

This brings a whole new meaning to being "Thumped in the Melon"!

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CRUNCH!!!!! I guess you can add that to the list of "How to Eat a Watermelon", or "How Not to Eat a Watermelon". :blink:



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LMFAO :lol: saw this earlier couldn't stop laughing, came home showed my wife and still cant stop laughing.........hahahahahahahaha. Now I want watermelon, but not the same way she took it :P

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It's hard to say precisely which safety rule she broke. Maybe all of them.

1. Treat every medieval watermelon launching weapon as if it were loaded.

2. Always point your medieval watermelon launching weapon in a safe direction.

3. Be sure of your target and beyond

4. When firing a medieval watermelon launching weapon there are basically two directions the projectile can go and one of them isn't good. :lol:

(I'm glad she's okay. And I bet she's happy the risk manager for that reality show nixed the use of large rocks and opted for melons instead.)


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(I'm glad she's okay. And I bet she's happy the risk manager for that reality show nixed the use of large rocks and opted for melons instead.)



Think they'll make them wear proper PPE next time their flinging melons?? When I first saw it I was sure she had to have broken her jaw! My favorite part is the two helpers that just walked out to her. You'd think after seeing something like that they would have ran out to see if she was ok....Nope! They just walked out slowly like they didn't really want to, but someone told them they had to. LOL!! :lol:

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That Is Absolutely Hilarious!!!

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