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Three more days....

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I do far more reading on this site than posting, but this time, the excitement is really setting in.

On Friday morning I should be in 22 South looking for a bull to shoot at with my muzzleloader... I simply can't wait! Unable to sleep, (hence me being on this site at darn near 2300 on a work night.) and wishing i could hit life's "fast-forward button" and be hunting already.

I'm a self-admitted amateur elk hunter, killed a few cows, but this time, I have a bull tag.... I say that I'm gonna hold out for something big, but who am i kidding? I like to eat elk meat as much as I like to look at horns.

I've been scouting in the area, saw plenty of bulls. Got some good info from Jeremy "the butcher" Browning and hoping that sometime next week, I'll be dropping an elk carcass off at his joint for processing.

I've been trying to absorb as much information and tips as I can from reading the elk hunting forum here... but all of those pics of happy successful hunters and big bulls is driving me crazy! I've never had the pre-hunt jitters as I have them now.

So pray for this flatlander, boys and girls... Pray that I make it through these last two days of work with some productivity. Yesterday, I had my students write me a story about their dream hunting trip for a creative writing assignment.... Tomorrow, we'll read about Elk and their habitat (informational text... hitting the AZ state educational standards, you know)

Oh yeah, and if you see us, (I'll be somewhere south of Payson on a silverish '03 chevy 2500 with a tan '80 jeep CJ5 in tow), stop by and say hello.... nothing better than sharing hunting lies..err stories with others!

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