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If the rancher had control of the property then he is within his rights to allow hunters on the property. Also how is the property posted? Unless it is posted in a very specific way, AZ G&F regs state that it is allowable to hunt on. Minus the actual owner specifically prohibiting someone from hunting on his property I don't think TBEV has a point.


"A.R.S. 17-304

Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting;


A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to

prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without

their written permission shall post such lands closed to

hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards.

B. State or federal lands including those under lease may not

be posted except by consent of the commission

C. The notices or signboards shall meet all of the following


1. Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches with

plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering

at least one inch high.

2. Contain the words ?no hunting?, ?no trapping? or ?no

fishing? either as a single phrase or in any combination.

3. Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least

four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular

access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals

of not more than one-quarter mile along the property

boundary, except that a post with one hundred square

inches or more of orange paint may serve as the

interval notices between property or fence corners and

points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be

clearly visible and shall cover the entire above ground

surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral

sides from the closed area.

D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not

be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land

has been posted pursuant to this section."


And in another place in the regs:


"Access to Private Lands

You must have written or verbal permission from private property

owners for use of their legally posted private lands for any purpose

including crossing these lands by foot or vehicle to get to public and

State Trust lands not accessible by public means.

The private landowner who has given you permission to use the

property may not mind if you bring a friend or two along. But you

may destroy your welcome if you arrive with a carload of


Developing person-to-person relationships with private landowners

is another key to having more access available for wildlife

recreation. Sportsmen who get to know a landowner and who stop

in after their stay are almost always welcomed back.

By treating the land as if it were your own, and by showing

consideration and courtesy to the landowner and the property, a

sportsman will always have a place to enjoy wildlife.

Never forget that you are a guest when using or crossing private

lands, and this access is a privilege, not a right. Your actions may

be the determining factor in anyone else accessing these lands.

Be aware that in some areas gaining permission to hunt one

particular species may be nearly impossible while gaining permission

to hunt another species is often easy. For example, some

landowners may not let you hunt big game on their property, but

would let you call predators or hunt small game.

Be aware that sometimes the landowner may grant access to those

who ask to go by foot or horseback versus vehicular access.

Don't assume, unless told otherwise, that permission granted one

season means you automatically have permission the following

seasons. Situations and ownership change, and permission should

be requested each season."


So unless it was PROPERLY POSTED LAND, the complaining hunter(s) don't have a point. And if the rancher gave them permission, qualified or not, then they could be there as well. As a mater of fact, other than basic niceness, I don't think TBEV and his sidekick even had any legal authority to tell anone to leave the land unless one of them was the land owner. Even then, if it isn't legally posted even the landowner can't restrict hunting.


My $0.02,



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tbev I am sick and tired of people like you coming onto this forum. You come on bash a member and in this case it is the person incharge of the whole site. You come in pointing fingers and saying stuff that might be true but is most likely not.


"A.R.S. 17-304

Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting;


A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to

prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without

their written permission shall post such lands closed to

hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards.


It clearly says if it is not posted no hunting then people can go in. We are fellow hunters we are suppose to help each other out but when I come across people like you in the field it makes me sick. I have hunted my whole life spend my time in the field and I know for sure that Amanda does. So back off and if you got something to say tell it to them in person not over the computer. If I had your phone number I would call you and tell you this but I have to do it over the computer which I hate to do.

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Let's go back and look at some stuff. I smell a rat.


We did run into some other hunters who weren't too happy to see us in there.? They said it was private property and we didn't have permission.? I told them that according to the map it was state land right where we were and that we had gotten permission to cross private property to get into it.? Anyway, after some rather heated conversation, I decided my friend and I would just go hunt somewhere else.? So we told those other hunters we were leaving and hiked back out the way we came in.? We were quite a way from other other hunters and almost back to an old dirt road when my friend saw a buck chasing a doe down below us in a break in some thick brush.


So you thought you and your friend had permission to cross the private land, to access state land. You have a disagreement with someone who claims to represent the legal owner of that property and after a heated discussion decide to leave the way you came, back accross that private property which you THINK you have permission to CROSS. Up to this point I think you've acted in good faith and haven't done anything wrong. But then you see a deer on your way out, on the private property you said yourself you had verbal permission to CROSS, to access state land. And given the questionable circumstances, knowing at this point that you are most likely back on private property, you shoot the deer. WTF is wrong with this picture?



:angry:?? Wow I can't believe you guys would say something like that. First of all we spoke with what we thought was the land owner and he gave us permission to hunt behind the ranch just like we told you in the field. So we were not knowingly trespassing, Second of all, we were on our way out because of you guys when we shot the deer. I am appalled at your response. If we were knowingly trespassing, why would we hike in from the highway instead of driving in there like you guys did. We were respecting the rancher who told us it would be fine to hike in there, as long as we didn't drive in on the road. It is because of hunters like us that work hard and obey the laws that we are rewarded at the end of the hunt.


Your story further illustrates and repeats the scenario I explained above. You were both DEAD WRONG at the point that you decided to take a shot at that deer. You are in a legal grey area at best, and most definitely beyond that in the ethics and morals department. You guys made a poor decision and it happens. It's admitting that, apologizing, and moving on that will make you the better people in the deal... quit trying to explain how you didn't break any laws. "Not illegal" doesn't necessarily equal the right thing to do. Maybe the reason the other people drove in is because they actually had permission to HUNT private land that you think you might have had permission to CROSS ON FOOT.


The rest of you are trying to justify the errant behavior of two members of the forum who are looked up to and trusted. Get your head out of your tail and read the posts. They were wrong to shoot the deer under the circumstances. 24a is a large unit and they should have moved on. This is the kind of BS that results in locked gates, land posted legally as closed, and NO ONE getting permission to hunt, cross on foot, pee on, or otherwise access private land.

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I do not think they were wrong to shoot the deer. They found the buck before the other hunters did and made an ethical shot and tagged a dandy of a buck. They had every right to shoot that deer regardless of what those guys up the hill thought.

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Congratulations Amanda, very nice deer, one to be proud of, thanks for all the updates and keeping us in on the hunt.

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tbev or new2coues,


Whoever you are...quit changing user names. They had permission to HUNT AND CROSS private ground. For all they knew your were just some A$$HOLE (which we all later found out was true) trying to lie to them because you wanted to be able to hunt competition free. Amanda spent countless hours in there scouting (not to mention she never saw you to during months of pre-scouting).


Neither of these people are ANYBODY who causes locked gates. People that cause gates to locked are people who destroy property and equipment. NO ONE HERE IS DEFENDING "errant behavior" JUST BECAUSE AMANDA OWNS THE SITE. Get over it!!!!


Like I asked before: "since when do you or the land owner own the GAME on any piece of property...PUBLIC OR PRIVATE???"


Did the land owner take any of the proper and "legal" steps to mark the property as not open for hunting? NO.

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tbev or new2coues,


Whoever you are...quit changing user names.  They had permission to HUNT AND CROSS private ground.  For all they knew your were just some A$$HOLE (which we all later found out was true) trying to lie to them because you wanted to be able to hunt competition free.  Amanda spent countless hours in there scouting (not to mention she never saw you to during months of pre-scouting). 


Neither of these people are ANYBODY who causes locked gates.  NO ONE HERE IS DEFENDING "errant behavior" JUST BECAUSE AMANDA OWNS THE SITE.  Get over it!!!! 


Like I asked before:  "since when do you or the land owner own the GAME on any piece of property...PUBLIC OR PRIVATE???"


I have no relation nor do I know tbev. Go back and read the posts. They both state that pedestrian access was granted to cross the private land... to "get into" state land. Never did they say they had permission to hunt the private land. Then they shot a deer without permission on land they only had permission to cross. What part of that don't you understand? I can gather that just from Amanda and MonsterCoues own posts. Your copy of the regulations is good reading material. You should familiarize yourself with it.


By treating the land as if it were your own, and by showing

consideration and courtesy to the landowner and the property, a

sportsman will always have a place to enjoy wildlife.

Never forget that you are a guest when using or crossing private

lands, and this access is a privilege, not a right.


And as far as hunting private land and the game being yours, read the regulations and recommendations posted previously by lfootmatt. It can also be found in the "Where can I hunt" section of your regulations. If the the property owner can grant or limit permission to hunting specific species, to big game or varmints, they can sure say you can't hunt coues. This IS the kind of BS that causes locked gates. Private propery is private property, and when in question, move on.


Your actions may

be the determining factor in anyone else accessing these lands.

Be aware that in some areas gaining permission to hunt one

particular species may be nearly impossible while gaining permission

to hunt another species is often easy. For example, some

landowners may not let you hunt big game on their property, but

would let you call predators or hunt small game.

Be aware that sometimes the landowner may grant access to those

who ask to go by foot or horseback versus vehicular access.

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Can you go bug the snipe and turtle hunters for awhile. We are right in the middle of the coues deer rut and your taking up post space from important info.






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"A.R.S. 17-304

Prohibition by landowner upon hunting; posting;


A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to

prohibit hunting, fishing or trapping on their lands without

their written permission shall post such lands closed to

hunting, fishing or trapping using notices or signboards.

B. State or federal lands including those under lease may not

be posted except by consent of the commission

C. The notices or signboards shall meet all of the following


1. Be not less than eight inches by eleven inches with

plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering

at least one inch high.

2. Contain the words ?no hunting?, ?no trapping? or ?no

fishing? either as a single phrase or in any combination.

3. Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at least

four feet above ground level at all points of vehicular

access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals

of not more than one-quarter mile along the property

boundary, except that a post with one hundred square

inches or more of orange paint may serve as the

interval notices between property or fence corners and

points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be

clearly visible and shall cover the entire above ground

surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral

sides from the closed area.

D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife shall not

be grounds for an action for trespassing unless the land

has been posted pursuant to this section."



We can go back and forth, he said she said till the end of time. If all you need is a apology were all sorry ok. can we go back to hunting now.

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Where does it say that Amanda shot her deer on private land? From my reading I see that she shot it on state trust land. So from what I can see is that New2Coues you need to get a life and quit trying to start fights. Oh by the way welcome to the site A$$ HOLE.

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How does tbev prove that Amanda was on private property and not state trust land? did he have any GPS coordinates? If the land was not properly posted then it was not posted period. The only way that anyone could fault Amanda for hunting on private property is if she crossed a posted gate or fence. Read the regs, any of us could have walked across that property if there is no posting on it and hunted anywhere we wanted! She had the decency to at least get permission to cross the land to hunt the public access. tbev and the other new knot head make a big deal about us losing the ability to hunt that land and it sounds like it was already lost and the guy who owned the property just did not post it yet. Why worry about it, tbev, sounds like if what you are saying is true the opportunity to hunt the ranch would already have been lost since they were all opposed to Amanda hunting there, I am sure that nobody else would have been able to hunt there either! Oh yeah except for you, How did you get permission. Seems to me that you are crucifying Amanda and being this holier than thou person about trespassing when all you really seem to want is a large area of land to hunt by yourself with no one hiking in to mess up your hunt! Maybe I will put in for 24 a next year and you could write about the bald fat guy that scared all the deer out of the unit with his heavy panting from being out of shape and hiking in!

I would never cross posted land that is APPROPRIATELY posted, we are expected to follow the regs to a tee, and so are the land owners, for them to not allow trespassing and then fail to post their land, that is like us going hunting and failing to buy a hunting license.

Amanda I am behind you all the way on this one


Oh and new2coues, next time I see you out anywhere on state land with a private easement I will be sure to tell you that I represent the landowner and you are not welcome on that land! the only way I would leave is if the landowner came out and told me to, no one else out there hunting has any right to do that even if they have permission, that is solely the land owner's responsibility or his land manager! Think about that! Where I hunt in the chiricauhas there is a private easement and I use it and if I met another hunter in there and he told me the landowner wanted me off I would tell him where to stuff his bipod!


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wow this guy is a lowlife! he must hace some grudge against Amanda to come on HER site and bad mouth her! all i know is if it was me that you had had a heated conversation with on the hillside, things would not have turned out so peacefull as they did with amanda! you really need to back off of her because i guarntee 100% of the members here have her back and you are not winning any of us over.

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thank you for a well said statement. You said exactly what I was trying too. I think we should just end this whole thing.....enough said.



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