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Great first Coues Buck

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So me and my dad decided to pick up a couple of leftover tags for 36b; my dad got one for the Nov 4th hunt and I got one for the Nov 25th hunt!We headed out early opening morning ready to shoot the first buck we saw! We started by just glassing off the road but realized that there were way to many people with the same idea, so we headed back to an area we had scouted that looked promising. We parked at the new area and started our hike up a trail conveniently made by illegals lol. It is about a 2-mile loop back to the truck that has some great glassing points and I thought for sure we would get on a buck, but unfortunately all we saw were 2 does and 2 fawns, but it was enough to get us excited for the rest of the hunt! When we got back to the truck, it was about 9am and we decided to go to a place we call "The Canyon" It is a place we had scouted before and had seen bucks in. We figured it would be perfect because the wind was howling and we knew the deer would be bedded down out of the wind and this was the perfect spot! When we got to "The Canyon", we got out and started hiking; it is about 1.5 miles to the spot we wanted to be in. Unfortunately, when we got there, there were 2 guys glassing right were we wanted to be :/, we talk to the guys and they said they had 2 other people on different points glassing this same canyon and the only thing they had seen were a couple of does which was kind of disappointing! We decided that we would go up 200-300 yards from them and start glassing until lunch. On the way over to the new ridge, I heard my dad say "crap", and I look back and a rock had slipped out from under his foot and he had just dropped the new gun we had got for this hunt. We looked it over and notice a big dent in the beautiful wood stock and then realized it had also hit the scope pretty hard; then we were worried! We knew there nothing that we could do and we just had to hope the scope didn't get to messed up. We got to the new ridge/canyon Where we had decided to glass and were only glassing for probably 20 minutes when my dad says "DEER!". I, of course, said "where?" and he was trying to describe it for me and he looked away for 3 seconds and looked back and it was gone. He pointed me in the direction of the deer he saw and we both glassed this part of the hill for 10 more minutes when I saw it! I did the whole "DEER, ITS A BUCK, ITS HUGE!" thing and then tried to explain to my dad were the deer was bedded. The deer was laying down right in front of a rock that was just a bit bigger then he was. He blended in really well with the rock and if you didn't know there was a deer there, it was almost impossible to find him! My dad spent 5 minutes trying to find him and I decided to get the spotting scope out and just put it on him. My dad came over, looked in the spotting scope, saw the deer and got really excited. He quickly got the gun and the shooting sticks and got on him. I ranged him at 278 yards and my dad was set. He asked if I was ready and I said yes; He squeezed the trigger, I saw the cloud of dust and said you missed. It was about 4 feet high and 3 feet left; obviously the scoped was off from when he dropped it earlier! Surprisingly, the deer hadn't moved; it was just laying there. My dad and i got ready again and BOOM he shot and just missed, maybe a foot to the right. The deer still stayed bedded, my dad readjusted and sent another round down range; whack, he nailed it and I really got excited and said you hit him and my dad said "yeah, stay on him". We realized when he got up to start running away his front leg was broken; then we got worried. We thought he had just shot his leg. so he got back on the rifle, found the deer in the scope, and shot! He hit the deer and the deer went maybe another 15 yards and laid down. We gave him 30 minutes and started the hike over to the other side of the canyon! When we originally saw the deer we thought he had 2 on one side and 3 on the other but were we wrong! He has 5 on his right side with a split G2 and a couple kickers,he had 3 on his left with a little kicker on the inside plus the eye guard!


Here is the canyon were the deer was, It was bedded right to the left of the rock face that is on the right side of the picture!



This is the ridge that we shot him from we were at the top of the ridge next to a pile of boulders on the right!



My dad with his buck



Me with my dads buck



A video of the canyon and my dad starting to gut the deer!



All in all it was a great hunt! Now it is my turn come November 25th!

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Great buck. Heard the conditions down there were pretty terrible yesterday. Even better to get a stud like that out of it. Congratulations to your dad and good luck on your up coming hunt.

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good job. gotta love that character. those are some memories that will last for years. congrats.

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Great job guys! Father & son hunts are the best. We just had one ourselves. Congrats!

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