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Bill Sponsors have dropped it

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I received word from Pete C that the bill sponsors have told him they are no longer going to push HB2072 or related legislation forward. Good news! I hope to hear an official announcement from AZSFW soon, but I don't know when that might happen.

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I received word from Pete C that the bill sponsors have told him they are no longer going to push HB2072 or related legislation forward. Good news! I hope to hear an official announcement from AZSFW soon, but I don't know when that might happen.


Well, that would certainly be good news....but, is this the same Pete C. that wrote the letter a few weeks ago saying "Kill HB 2072" then continued to advocate for the "concept" which was being pushed while we all knew that the number "2072" was already dead? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.


I'd like to see an email blast from AZSFW (like all those they have sent out pushing it) to everyone on their mailing list that makes it clear that they are dropping the concept FOREVER. Anything short of that will be suspect in my mind. I personally have no trust in anyone that has been pushing this thing.



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I spoke with a guy in the know who for obvious reasons will remain anonymous, that these people expected it to die but plan on pushing it through when the uproar has died and people have all but forgotten about it. This thing will probably never be truly dead until legislation is passed prohibiting it. I don't know if that is possible but if there are sympathetic legislators it might not be a bad idea to get something passed that will put this issue to bed forever.

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How many weeks left in the legislative session this year? A couple right? So although I believe the push to pass this has ended, I suggest we remain vigilant for at least the remainder of the legislative session.

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Nice try Pete. I will never let your groups up for air on this subject. The media, the politicians and hopefully what members you have left are going to hype this into the next legislative session. You lied to the groups at the start when you stood up and swore that the AZSFW would never push for tags like the Utah group. This was a slam on every hunter in our state and I for one will never forgive AZSFW for what you have done. Have a nice day.

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The AZSFW/AZSFWC >>> like a rattlesnake's head that's been cut off from its body!!! Don't trust it ...


Great job everyone --- but stay vigilant!!!

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Awesome, time to focus this attack on AZSFW and their "constituents" instead of just the HB2072 sale of big game tag crap. I personally will continue my barrage of emails and calls to shed light on these bunch of cockroaches as to eliminate them all together.

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I for one don’t think they will give this up just yet. Perhaps they are on the retreat and will amass a go at it again later. I for one will watch out for this for now on. If there is any lesson that can be learned from this, it is that we have to keep a check on our resources and can not entirely rely on a single organization to do that for us. It is up to all of us to stay on board.

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One thing that another CWTailer mentioned was the conservation plates we are sporting on our vehicles. It is my understanding $17 dollars goes to the AZSFW and the remaining $8 goes to the state.


I am saddened to say, I did we all have to do and I renewed my tags this month with a standard AZ plate and opted out of the conservation plate since the money goes directly to AZSFW.


Hopefully we can put the AZSFW out of business and they will award the conservation plate to a new group we can all support that won't use our money against us!

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In the latest email from AZSFW they have bullet points about what they are up against. Activists is one of the big problems per this email.

They state:


"Despite our best efforts, we were unable to win Prop 102 (prohibit management of wildlife) in 2000 or Prop 109 (the right to hunt and fish) in 2010, in large part, due to lack of sufficient financial support. History has shown that it takes a minimum of $1-3 Million to run an effective "Yes" campaign and similar amounts to counter initiatives by environmentalists. Environmental groups take money from all over the country to spread their efforts - we are limited to the support that local Sportsmen have been able to provide"



Now everyone else knows why Suzanne did not help out on 109. They were waiting to get this bogus legislation through and hunting can not be a constitutional right for the poor citizens of this state.


A true grassroots effort such as the one we are in today does not take much money to succeed but a lot of vigilance and hard work. George Reiners got Prop 109 passed in Yuma County 64% to 36%, almost single handed and with a budget of $500.00. SFW wouldn't even return phone calls to YVRGC about it.


The blood is in the water and it is time to finish what we started.

I never thought I'd say this but it feels good to be a socialist.

Long live the North American Model

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1-3 million $ that will never see the ground. These people are far more dangerous than the antis and the wolves to our grandkids. Better expose their influence over the selection of Commissioners or they will find a way to gain control of G&F next. This organization needs to be wiped out like a pack of coyotes.

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The conservation groups still need to drop out of AZSFW. Would also like to see the habitat stamp program pushed also.

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Before anyone turns in their Wildlife Plate, you should probably see the good projects that the fees funded.

A lot of work shops, clinics, camps, fishing and youth programs.


AZSFW did't get the money, we need to keep the program going.


Please see the information below, so you can make your own decision.


The Wildlife Conservation Council (WCC), previously a separate C-3 organization, merged with AZSFWC in 2010 and is now a standing committee of AZSFWC known as the Wildlife Conservation Council Committee. The WCC serves as an umbrella organization for other wildlife and sportsmen's organizations to communicate and work together collaboratively on important issues. A list of our member organizations is shown below.


It is also responsible for managing the WCC license plate program (Wildlife Conservation Habitat Fund). The fund is derived from the sale of wildlife conservation license plates and member organizations as well as non-member organizations are eligible to apply for those funds.


Projects Funded by WCC in 2011


$6000 Steve Cheuvront - Kaibab Study


$650 AZ Game & Fish Department - Angler Recruitment and Retention Partnership


$600 AZ Trappers Association - Seligman Youth Fishing


$2000 Mark Quigley - Youth Pheasant Hunt


$500 Mohave Sportsman Club - Antelope Eaters Event


$1000 Anglers United - Kiwanis Park Youth Fishing Event


$5000 AZ Shooting Sports Foundation - Youth Shooting Event


$5000 Big Game Forever - Gray Wolf Education Project


$5000 O’Haco Ranch - Water Tank Restoration


$2762 O’Haco Ranch - Water Tank Restoration


$1500 AZ Game & Fish Department - Hunting & Angling Workshop


$2,000 AZ Elk Society - Wapiti Weekend


$345 AZ Game & Fish Department - Reservation Boundary Fence Jumps


$22,270 AZ Wildlife Federation - Woody Ridge Wildlife Corridor Restoration


$400 AZ Game & Fish Department - Conservation Workshop


$3,250 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation - Water Tank Project


$5000 AZ Outdoor Adventures - Replacement of Equipment Lost in Wallow Fire


$150 AZ Game & Fish Department - Hunting & Angling Heritage Workgroup


$1,250 AZ Desert Bighorn Sheep Society - Sheep Hunter Clinic

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