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Josh's First Turkey

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We've had a great time on the youth hunt so far. My youngest son, Josh, was able to take his first javelina back in Feb, shortly after turning 10. Yesterday, he took his first ever turkey. It was an awesome but tough hunt - just an amazing experience.


I had a long, detailed story planned, but hey, what do we really want to see??? Pictures! It was a great hunt - classic turkey calling with lots of gobbling and strutting at the decoys, followed by a one-shot kill by a first timer.


Josh with his first turkey...






So, today we headed back out with my two older boys. This time my middle boy, Nick, was in the "shooter" seat. Poor Matt, sucks to be the oldest - lol. After a weak start on our first set-up, we got a gobbler talking across a small drainage. No time to set up decoys or blinds, I had them lay behind a log near the edge of the cut. This tom was close and looking for love. I backed off and started calling. He gobbled twice, then shut up. I wasn't sure what to do next and as I was watching Nick, I see him raise his gun and fire. "I got him" he shouts....LOL. That tom came in quiet but walked right into the boys.






Hope you enjoyed the story and pix.


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Awesome job on the toms! Congrats to both boys! The smiles says it all!



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Thanks guys, I really appreciate your kind words. I really have to give these young guys the credit. When I was that age, I couldn't "keep my cool" as well as they have been able to do.

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I haven't been on here in a week and what a way to start my viewing. Congratulations to Josh on his first bird and a great one at that. Another congrats to Nick with a beauty as well. Good luck to Matt. Hunting as a family can't be beat and thanks Coach for sharing some of it with us. That Josh is going to catch up to his older brothers real fast the way he's going. :)



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Whoohoo! Awesome job boys on a couple of great birds! Congratulations!

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Huge congrats to the Little Big Men that are taking down the thunder chickens!

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Congrats on the bird. Would you mind sharing what unit you were in?


Sorry for the delay, Brian. They were both taken in unit 1, very far apart.

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Awesome job. Nothing better than hunting with your kids. It is even better when the turkeys follow the plan.


That's for sure, Shane. I wonder why they never come in to my calls when I have the tag, lol. Seems they always go the opposite direction when I'm hunting them, but come in on a string for the kiddos. :blink: I can live with that. ;)

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