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AR Rifles aren't necessary????

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So if AR Rifles aren't necessary, why is Gabby Gifford's husband Mark Kelly buying one??? He claims it was to "TEST" the system. Of course, he never notified anyone he'd be doing that ... and does he really think it is a "test" when a former military ASTRO-FRIGGIN-NAUT with all kinds of SPECIAL MILITARY CLEARANCES can get a weapon???


No folks ... he just wanted one. And the rules that he wants to have imposed shouldn't affect him right ... just the normal AVERAGE JOE like you and I. Guess he's getting primed up for his Senate Seat ... they all think the rules don't apply to them.

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That's the problem with the left wingers. They want to impose laws and restrictions that don't apply to them, or the elite. I am seriously hoping that ALL gun, ammo, and accessory manufacturers, simply quit selling to the government. PERIOD. Yeah....and monkeys will fly out my butt.

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The new Interior Secretary was the CEO at REI. Guess who's company received an exemption from ObamaDontCare?

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“The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transferrer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member, or a veteran, and that there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this," she said.



Because, you know, WWI, WWII, Korea, Gulf War and Vietnam were not stressful.

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I'm sick and tired of these "elected" elitist JERKS making laws for the populace that don't apply to them. They are part of the poplulace ... not apart from it. That is the way it is supposed to be ... them serving at our pleasure, not us serving at theirs. Unfortunately, the truth is that the roles have been "reversed".


This country needs big changes if we don't want to become like China, where a ruling class of "Government Officials" Lords over the citizenry and makes them work for pennies. If you don't think it is coming, the way we are headed, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. It's closer than you think ... it might already be here.

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It only gets better. According to Senator Feinstein "its legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines."




Amanda may need to start a new website: humanwhitetail.com?

150 round pmag!! That's what I'm talkin about!

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It only gets better. According to Senator Feinstein "its legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines."




Amanda may need to start a new website: humanwhitetail.com?

150 round pmag!! That's what I'm talkin about!

Or a 150 round tactical shotgun with 00 Buckshot....talk about being able to make a wall of lead. I'll take one of those.

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According to Tucson news the other night, Kelly immediately turned the "assault weapon" over to Tucson PD. Wished I had enough money to just 'throw away an AR'. Of course, it was all 'for the press'. Nanny Bloomberg probably reimbursed him.

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My understanding is that he didn't actually pick it up yet. It was "ordered" and he said that he "would turn it over" when he got it. Trouble is that he didn't divulge any of this until after the media found out that he had done it. I'd like to see him take a polygraph on what his intentions were. My bet is that he'd FAIL. I'd bet more than a little money on that. These political ELITISTS think that they are above any of the rules they want to pass down to us LOWLY COMMONERS. Make no mistake ... he's a politician.


I have no use for politicians in general. The majority of them are just like a diaper ... FULL OF CRAP. Wished they could be changed as often.

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If you guys haven't read Crime & Punishment, you should. Dostoevsky discusses this type of person at length. They honestly believe that they are intellectually & morally superior to us simple, confused folks in the masses, hence are above & exempt from the law in order to achieve the greater good. They're on a mission to protect us simple creatures from ourselves (i.e., they're a bunch of egotist socialists). No amount of logic will ever convince them they're wrong. Harvard couldn't. This is an excellent study on private gun ownership vs. violent crime:



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I will have to pick that up. Something about KNOWING YOUR ENEMY comes to mind.

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his bulls$$t is all politically motivated. I feel bad about what happened to Gabby but you gotta look at the wing nuts that do this type of stuff. At some point lefties gotta say to themselves that time out, cool down time. etc anit gonna work. good ole butt whipins work real well.

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