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New to this forum, 25-06 turned me on. Great site!


How do the phases of the moon affect deer movement? My thinking is that deer will feed during any available light when the weather permits. When it gets hot during the day, they bed down. If the moon is out, they will feed at night and lay up in the day. Comments?


Have you ever planned a hunt based on the moon?



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IMHO, the Solunar tables work to some degree--but pressure can also force them to go nocturnal. During archery seasons and only slight to moderate pressure, I have found them to be relatively accurate.

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What are the Solunar tables? How are they used and where are they found?




On edit, I found Solunar tables and a program for a PC on Weather and Wildlife.com. According to the literature on the site, deer are nocturnal. Makes sense why they bed down during the day.

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I believe it is a myth that deer feed more during full moon ect. I think they can see fine with no moon at all. What do deer do in places that have constant cloud cover? Are Arizona deer fatter than Washington deer because Arizona deer have bright full moons and Washington has cloudy skies? I think it is best not to worry about the moon at all. Solunar tables are fun, but completely worthless, much like astrology. Now for fishing that is a different story.


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Welcome Bill.

According to Jim H's new book and other readings, studies have shown no effect of the full or new moon on deer activity. But I do like the full moon to aid my hike in or out of the hills.



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I personally have not seen any evidence of the moon influencing deer activity. I have glassed deer up feeding at sunrise after moonless nights as well as moonfull nights. I do a lot of hiking around at night for my wildlife job and I see (or hear if it's really dark) deer up moving around on all kinds of nights. They have great night vision and I don't think they need the moon to see what they are doing. I think temperature influences when they feed and move much more than the moon does.



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I jumped 2 muley bucks on Sunday that were bedded down at 7:30 am. I think this had more to do with temps than moon though.

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I've never really paid attention to the moon when planning a hunt, but it's always been in the back of my mind when I finally get out. I'll just keep glassing whenever I can.



Hey, Terry, good luck on your hunt. I'll see you on Sat. afternoon. :)



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