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Bear Video

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Hahahaha! Wow!! That is pretty nuts!!!

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I hear that that video was filmed in Happy Valley on the backside of the Rincons... No one will comment on what happened to the grizley bear after the filming of the video. Maybe, wink, wink, it roamed the Rincons for awhile...


That was definitely a mesquite tree he climbed up in...

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I believe the grizzly was brought in from a zoo for that video... As obviously there are no grizzles in AZ

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I used to love that show when I was a kid. Didnt realize how staged all that stuff was back then I guess. Why the heck were they roping it anyway?

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boy were we duped when we were kids, I had nightmares and fear of being in the woods after that. me thinks now they used twinkies to get that cub to chase him. Can you just imagine the crew rolling around laughing their guts out..lolol

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