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Need advice, entry level cam

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I'm looking to purchase an entry level trail camera, somewhere in the budget of $120 or less if possible. After reading hundreds of customer reviews, it seems like the cheaper ones always get crappy reviews? Ive found a couple of older model cuddebacks online for cheap. I found a moultrie a-5 new for $60, and a stealthcam g30 for $99. Does anyone have experience with these models? Any opinions on the best trail cam for under $100. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

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I bought a Primos new in the box off Craigslist for $30. But one is never enough.

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I'm looking to purchase an entry level trail camera, somewhere in the budget of $120 or less if possible. After reading hundreds of customer reviews, it seems like the cheaper ones always get crappy reviews? Ive found a couple of older model cuddebacks online for cheap. I found a moultrie a-5 new for $60, and a stealthcam g30 for $99. Does anyone have experience with these models? Any opinions on the best trail cam for under $100. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...

I have a couple of the A-5's and they work great. Its a good way to get started. The covert that is about $100 is good too, I have about 5 of these. All the cams have their good and weak spots. Pick one up and get started. After that I bet you will be hooked like the rest of us!

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You can get the Primos Truth Cam for $50 when it goes on sale or is refurbished, which is quite often. Its is large and bulk so it doesn't do well when a low, inconspicuous profile is necessary. Mine doesn't miss much and the 4x D batteries, while expensive, last a long time. I got about 30,000 photos this summer on one set.


You don't want trash, but IMHO quantity is better than quality as far as trail cams go.

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I kinda agree, i think i would rather go with quantity versus quality. I have just read so many bad reviews of cams "missing pics." what the point of having multiple low grade cams, if they consistently miss 20-50% of the shots? Also the whole infared light thing has me lost also. It seems light most come with IR light, some are black bulbs, some are white. Some create a blinding white flash who they complain, scares off game? Any opinions on that also?

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All of my cameras are infrared flash and that definitely doesn't scare the animals off. If anything, it has brought tons of elk in to lick and chew on the camera. :angry:

I've never heard of any reports that I take for credible that white flash cams blow animals out of country.

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Depends what you want to do. Cheap cameras usually take pics slow. So if game is walking by it might just get their butt. I have a moultrie a5 here is a pic from it


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I like the covert mp8. I just bought 3 more from Amanda. They hold up great. I typically keep mine out all year. The battery life is excellent. I left one up on the North Rim at the end of my archery season. I wanted to catch all the season changes on the camera.

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i always keep an eye on the Moultrie website, the "internet specials" page... a few months ago they posted the D55-ir's for $29... so i picked up 8 of them. they work good and if i loose one im not too upset. now i can put 2 or 3 on the same tree facing all directions... or whatever i want. i also keep a few high quality cams for my honey holes...



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