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trophy ridge trio vs boss hogg, tommy hogg

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I have narrowed my sight choices down to the trophy ridge trio and the boss hog/ tommy hogg.... What do you guys think?

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I like the idea of the smart pin stuff but worried about quality because most trophy ridges I have seen are plastic....boss hogs look good, just worried about them being complicated and price.

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You get what you pay for brotha!.....I wouldnt even put TR in the same sentance as SH.....get a SH and never look back bud!!!

I'm worried that it is going to be to completed, I also like the idea of having 3 pins on a slider sight, can you do that with a SH?

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Get on Archery talk classified ads, that will help with price.


I use the seven deadly pins as 80 is as far as I care to shoot currently, so I can not really tell you much about the sliders. I believe you can use a 3 or 5 pin housing though. Spott hogg stuff isn't as complex as it looks, just a matter of getting it figured out.

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I have the Boss Hogg with a three pin sight. My only complaint with the sight is that it is heavy. But it's built bullet proof. I currently have the pins set up for 20, 30, and 40 yards. Then use the slider option to go out further. Most scenarios for me have needed the close distance pins for shooting quickly. Other wise, past 40 yards I have the time to range and correct the sight. I figure I shouldn't be shooting past 40 yards without knowing the range as that's where for me judging distance starts getting difficult. Another thing I do a little different is I use the center pin as my main pin once moving the slider. This gives me a bracket using the top and bottom pin. Makes it a little easier for me to center the middle pin. I tend to always shoot a little high using the bottom pin at longer distances. And if the animal happens to take a few steps farther or closer I have a five or so yard buffer zone with those two pins giving me something to actually aim with instead of holding a little high or low. Seems like a lot of extra but has worked well for me!

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Well I have decided to get the spot Hogg tommy sight thanks for all the input, I bounced back and forth alot, I will you you guys know how I like it.

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Well I have decided to get the spot Hogg tommy sight thanks for all the input, I bounced back and forth alot, I will you you guys know how I like it.

Did you already buy a new one, I have a five pin or a single pin Tommy I'd sell ya?

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