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Can ya feel it?

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I'm 6/6 with the vmaxs this year. Furthest was 309 yards.


309 yards lol

I thought we were calling them in ?

Sorry not trying to be rude just asking

have you ever even been coyote calling lol


Haha just a lil bit !


before I made this account I used to watch this form and see you just mess with everyone this is awesome !

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They sure don't run off with a 30cal 215 grain Berger! Damage control right there, my farthest is about 350 yards.

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They sure don't run off with a 30cal 215 grain Berger! Damage control right there, my farthest is about 350 yards.


That's gotta be fun !!!!

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Saw many coyotes and even a bobcat on my elk hunt. Never in a good spot to let one fly though.


Although I have been hunting predators a LONG time, I rarely get a shot past 50 yds. Terrain just doesn't allow it.


Because of this, I often carry my 223 with 34gr hp at about 2900 fps. Have yet to lose a coyote and doesn't mess up fox. Ideal for what I hunt.


Now for strictly coyotes and open country I load up some 60 gr vmax. Hard to go wrong with a recipe used by some of the best in the biz.


Lions and times where i don't care about fur, 6.8 with 95 gr suits my needs.


Ive also been known to lob a few footballs from my 300blk.


All have their place.


The only thing that REALLY matters is that you do it QUIETLY...


Anything but suppressed is uncivilized. Lol

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This will be the last season for a while that AZ fur is safe from me and my little 17. I can most definitely feel it.

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Why wait boys shoot this guy sat morningattachicon.gifimage.jpeg

because i hate snakes and sweating on a stand



The blazing summer shall provide them no refuge!





It's not about fur then, just doing mother nature a solid and good ole fashioned moving targets.


Bonus to the kills are the occasional dust trails they put up when they come hard from a distance in the dry summer. Just like the cartoons.

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Why wait boys shoot this guy sat morningattachicon.gifimage.jpeg

because i hate snakes and sweating on a stand

The blazing summer shall provide them no refuge!


summer dog 2.jpg

summer dog.jpg


It's not about fur then, just doing mother nature a solid and good ole fashioned moving targets.


Bonus to the kills are the occasional dust trails they put up when they come hard from a distance in the dry summer. Just like the cartoons.

I've never collected a fur, I do it for the reckoning.

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.223 for bobcats? Ya wanna keep the fur? Yeah.. right. Hope you know how to sew. Most of the time you're gonna be sewing.


Bullet needs to be smaller and need to go substantially faster if you want CONSISTENT no exits shooting a bobcat, even more so, a gray fox. Look at the dedicated bobcat/fox fur hunters to use something in the .17 class. 3900+ fps and 25g bullets make a slushie out of the insides. Pretty on the outside, grizzly on the inside.


I shot a coyote last Saturday just off the 87 with my .17 Remington. 150 yards. 1 bullet center mass sent it spinning and yelping. Took 2 more shots to get it down. Ridiculous. It's not a consistent coyote gun and I ought not to have taken it out of the truck. 22-250 or better gets the job done right the first time.


Shot some fox with my .223 out by Lake Pleasant. Yeah, fur friendly caliber. Lol.









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Yes. 223 for fox and bobcats. BUT, the caveat was with the specific load I mentioned. It is not the BEST for anything, but it works quite well on everything.


I do agree that there is nothing better for fox than a 17 though.

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