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Is anyone having any luck in 36c? I have two clients from Virginia, and man are we having a tough time. I have seen very few deer, and not hearing a ton of shots. There was about 1,000,000 people in the unit this weekend. I have been glassin my keester off, and not turning much up. I was in 36B Friday, and it sure seemed like the weather was alot cooler than it has been in 36C. Anyone feel the same?

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I was in "A" this past weekend and saw plenty of deer. Only a few bucks, and just one nice one, but I was seeing deer none the less.... One thing I noticed was that I was seeing more deer during the last 1 1/2 hrs of light, as opposed to in the morning. This is a little different than in the past, as it seems like I generally have seen more deer in the AM than PM in the past. For what it's worth.....


So did bucks you scouted dissapear, or what? I would just continue to hammer the areas you found bucks while scouting....


Good luck to your clients!





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Yeah the weather is way cooler in B than C. It's probably due the extreme difference in elevation and geographic location here in Arizona. Oh wait, nevermind they're bordering units with the same elevation and location. Come on Casey no need for any excuses and would bet the weather is pret mch the same. You're right about not seeing many deer moving though. I told you to scout for yourself instead of asking everybody that came into SW where to hunt. Man.

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IT'S FREAKING HOT EVERY WHERE!! A,B,C 32,33,34.........and so on!!

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Casey.......It's HOT all over down there dude! Ya just gotta know how to hunt when it's hot AND when there's a bunch of other hunters! My advice would be to pack a ton of water with ya and don't go back and take a nap in the middle of the day! 90% of the other yahoos will go back to camp as soon as the sun gets high. This is when those bucks that bedded early get up and reposition because the sun moved into their bed!!! You need to be glassing the likely bedding areas between 10:00 - 2:00. I would even say you don't need to get up early! Stay out all day and pick apart the thick, nasty bedding areas if you are having a hard time ;) just my little $.02 :P

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He didn't scout.....now that he's in trouble with clients he's e-scouting here. :rolleyes: :P


Actually, I spent a decent amount of time in there scoutin. If you recall, I posted some pictures of bucks I found. While you were piecing your gun together, I was in the hills findin deer :D ;)


And I found a few 85-92" bucks today, but they were in a place that was impossible to find them. We tried to get on em but could never find em in there beds or gettin out.


Kade, I never asked anyone about any spots in SW son ;) Now your girlfriend on the other hand...

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He didn't scout.....now that he's in trouble with clients he's e-scouting here. :rolleyes: :P


Actually, I spent a decent amount of time in there scoutin. If you recall, I posted some pictures of bucks I found. While you were piecing your gun together, I was in the hills findin deer :D ;)


And I found a few 85-92" bucks today, but they were in a place that was impossible to find them. We tried to get on em but could never find em in there beds or gettin out.


Kade, I never asked anyone about any spots in SW son ;) Now your girlfriend on the other hand...



Casey it's not very nice to talk about me behind my back. Is that what kind of a guy you really are? I now you talk allot of stuff about hunting deer but you better watch what you say about us girls!!! I put money that me and the rest of the girls on this site can out shoot you. Dont make me get kade to go in there and scrap you up! Good luck on your hunt. Hope you get a big one!!!

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Boy oh boy Miss Az came out of the chute with pistols a blazin' all over Casey!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I like this girls style and I'd like to see her whoop Casey even more!!!

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Ditto what COOSEFAN said. But I would also say that it dosent always have to be thick stuff...it dosent take a whole lotta shade to keep one cool dont over look the open shady spots. Pay attention to the wind too. Seems like they like to lay lookin one way while the wind has their back the other way. Personaly I think wind direction is most important, shade can be found under every tree. Bottom line they dont get big by being stupid...come on seriously it is a freakin deer you cant out smart a deer?...JK Good luck

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Casey it's not very nice to talk about me behind my back. Is that what kind of a guy you really are? I now you talk allot of stuff about hunting deer but you better watch what you say about us girls!!! I put money that me and the rest of the girls on this site can out shoot you. Dont make me get kade to go in there and scrap you up! Good luck on your hunt. Hope you get a big one!!!



My apolgies honey ;) I will make sure not to do it agian. Any time Kade wants to come in... he knows when ill be there ;) same goes for you, you can be there at any time!


Any time you want to shoot, lets go!

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