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December tag gripe

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Why not use their drive to your advantage. I always try and plan for what the other guy is going to do and how it can help me out. Seems like if you had a rifle the odds would be in your favor not the bowhunters. MAybe go deeper into the wilderness next time. Thats a good way to get away from the crowds.

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Once the G & F takes something away it never returns. Be happy your out amongst them. The season dates of our archery season make it a bonus for everyone. I also have a late rifle whitetail tag, finally, but those late extended bow seasons have created a tremendous amount of opportunity for everyone. It scares me to death to think that those dates will get shorter and shorter as we all have seen happen this January.

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We were plenty far enough in. Deer are where you glass them. If I am a mile in and glass a deer back towards the road, thats where it is. I'm over it now, besides the opening weekend "bowhunters" will be gone and for the most part only the real bowhunters will be out there. Opening weekend you often get a lot of turds who are only out there because it just opened and they need the element of surprise, later you get the more skilled guys who actually have a chance. Sure there will be some good guys out on the opener but they are only seen if they want to be and they are observant. Might actually see a group of four guys on a hill glassing rather than walking right by at 100yds. (we were in the wide open)

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Glad you are "over it" now. I feel exactly the same way about "rifle hunters" on any opening weekend. Drive around glass from the truck, sip some coffee, drive around, turn on the heater.....those turds..hehe!

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Mr. Smith you should be happy to know that the az g$f is eliminating the december archery deer season in several units next year, and with the reduction in december rifle tags to 5% you should be all alone out there every 15 years or so when you get drawn.


By the way congrats to your wife and good luck to you, it should only be getting better as the rut starts.

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We didn't have bowhunters in our unit last weekend, but MEARNS hunters blasting every chance they got. BOOM BOOM BOOM. Whoopin it up carrying on... Time to move to the next canyon.


Congrats on your wife tagging out.. ;)



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Some people are just lazy. I wish they would realize that road hunting is not an effective way to hunt these tiny deer. Another thing that didn't really help was that there was an off-road club having an event out there this weekend. Quads and motor bikes all over. The deer dont realy seem to care about vehicle traffic though. I was watching these three does feeding on a hill 100 feet above a road and they didnt even look up when vehicles went by.


Heading back down tomorrow for a day trip with a friend and then back down thursday afternoon for the duration. Going to try to get a little more remote, hopefully I can find a nice one.

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one must remember that bow hunters and rifle hunters are hunters alike, with the same rights. the antis need separation and weakness in our community of "hunters" to get what they want. i doenst matter what you "Pack" into the field we are all hunters and need to fight for our rights. i dont rifle hunt but ill try my best to keep those seasons open for you, because if one side falls it will only be a short time before the other side falls. it amazes me the willingness of people to give away thier rights exercised or not they are yours

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Why is it in the Archery deer vs rifle deer in the same unit not a big deal to alot of people??


When they tried having the archery deer hunters hunt a week longer this year into the elk hunt just about everyone

flipped a gasket so why not get bent now over the whitetail hunt??? I know its been like this for awhile but just curious.


Just playing devil's advocate here.

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I agree... Keep the bowhunters to Jan. only. It's not always about opportunity.

The last 2 Dec. tags I had were any thing but a quality hunt. Bowhunters everywhere.

I get way back in as well, Gun or Bow.


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I know if we loose dec. hunts then we will never get em back so maybe bowhunters can hold off on hunting these units

untill Jan. :rolleyes: :lol: Yeah right.


I know that I personally like to wait till Jan to hunt em anyway's.

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so willing to give yours and others rights away.....what a shame, and when we lose them they wont ever be back

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I know if we loose dec. hunts then we will never get em back so maybe bowhunters can hold off on hunting these units

untill Jan. :rolleyes: :lol: Yeah right.


I know that I personally like to wait till Jan to hunt em anyway's.



El pepe


Was your response to my post???


If it was apparently you and psyco do not understand the term devils advocate.

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This one burns me...I had a dec. tag 4 years ago, never saw another rifle or bow hunter except on roads. So what if both parties were looking at one group of deer, it happens all the time on public land, move on it will happen again. What next..only one tag per unit for dec. hunts so that they can have it all to themselves.

Last year I was helping a guy on an elk hunt, we started in on a great bull i had seen (gross 406) when one of the auction hunters and guide showed up carrying a gun, yep they killed it..sure it sucked, but I hunt for alot more reasons than to have quarrels over areas or fight over animals. I prefer to not see one person and see only a handful of animals than see lots of game and have to worry about other hunters.

Not to be personal Mr. Smith but I hate people getting upset because someone else is in the woods.



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