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My friend shot a bull in 6b. A nice heavy 6x5. He shot the bull behind the shoulder. Waited then followed lots of blood. Got to the bull and a guy with a guide were at the bull and tagged it. The guy put 2 more arrows in it and wouldn't give my friend the bull. My friend said they argued with the hunter and the guide walked away. My friend has pictures of the bull and the guy who tagged it. He will post them. I think if it was me it would have been UFC on the mountain if it was my bull. Thoughts or opinions. I don't think game and fish will do anything cause it my buddies shot was a complete pass through and he can't prove he shot it.

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If that was me, the bull might not have been the only thing with an arrow hanging out of it. Post em up!

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The "guide" is who gets the blame. I know of a "guide" who is always in 6A that seems like the type of person that would do that. Wonder if it's the same one. Popcorn ready

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I'm not with him. But he has his arrow full of blood and the blood trail. Sad part is the guy said he shot it 3 times. Hit it twice back to boot. He said he hit the bull in the antler with the 3rd arrow.

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Based on the facts shared so far I'd say the name of that guide service needs to be openly disclosed. Maybe guide and hunter might reconsider their actions..... and do the ethical thing........ and return your bull to you. Also, as someone previously recommended, this situation needs to be shared with the local game warden for many reasons.

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Why is the guide to blame? He didn't shoot and claim the bull? His job is to find a bull for the hunter not give his ethics to him? Why do you think the guide walked, his hunter shot it and claimed it what's the guide supposed to do. He probably said my client is an idiot and walked away from the situation.

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Unfortunately, what they say about possesion being 9/10ths of the law is probably going to come into play here if the facts are as they seem.


Why would you buy a $150 elk tag, most likely spending several years of bonus points, pay a guide and shoot a dying bull on opening day? At least your friend gets to keep hunting, while the other guy is going home with zero satisfaction and several thousand dollars lighter in the wallet.

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In az it's who tagged it first. All the warden can do is give him an butt chewing. And believe me he probably will. I hope that guy enjoys his store bought elk meat. If it was me, I would probably be in jail..again...

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