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Red Rabbit

Cast and No Blast Trip to White Mountains

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Since the weather was unseasonably nice, a trip to Big and Crescent Lakes in eastern AZ was warranted this past weekend to flyfish for trout and possibley hunt some blue grouse. The fishing reports indicated the rainbows had put on some mass over the summer, and the brookiies were in spawning colors.


Spent Saturday on Crescent Lake. Had to share it with only one other fly fisherman and lots of coots. Caught six chunky rainbows that averaged 12"-14". No brookies though.



That evening, I drove over to Big Lake. One fisherman caught a nice 22" cutthroat on a small black ant pattern fishing it submerged, and also a fes other 14"-18" rainbows. The other flycaster had made it to South Cove, and caught a 17" bow wading from shore.

The evening sky turned light pinkish purple over Big Lake.



Hustling back to the campsite above Crescent, the last of the light was soothing.



Sunday morning fishing was delayed as a few remaining aspens called to the camera.







Rica pauses for the camera during her morning Frisbee throws. Shouldn't we be hunting quail?



Finally made it to the west side of Big Lake about 8:30am to launch the toon. Caught 2 cutthroats right away on an olive simi-seal leach. Anchored the pontoon boat off a point and caught several 12" rainbows on #14 peacock nymphs and Prince nymphs. Figured it was time for lunch and let Rica stretch her legs, but the drift back to the launch was fortunately delayed by a 19" bow that took a #14 Prince.







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That sounds like a fun trip to me!! It looks like it is really beautiful up there this time of year.

This year was the first time that I have ever been to Big Lake and Crescent Lake but we had no luck. Good to see that someone had some luck up there.


Did you eat the fish or release them??



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Nicely done Doug! I have had some good luck at Crescent. Best day, I couldnt carry the stringer out by myself. It was filled with each persons limit for the day! (4 of us, smallest being about 14-15" long)

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You've made me homesick already.


We closed the cabin in Greer last week and moved back to Tucson (ugh!) for the winter. Our cabin isn't winterized and whenever it got down below 22 at night (which happened twice in the past three weeks) our pipes would be frozen until at least 10 am. Although I wanted to stay longer, my wife broke her ankle last year on our icy deck and wanted to get out before the rain and snow began.


Congratulations on your beautiful trout.


Bill Quimby

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You are lucky to spend the summer in that piece of heaven called Greer. Seems like winter is coming to the doorstep, as few aspen leaves remain and the elk bugles have subsided.


Maybe that trout will be 24" when I catch him again next fall ;)



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You've made me homesick already.


We closed the cabin in Greer last week and moved back to Tucson (ugh!) for the winter. Our cabin isn't winterized and whenever it got down below 22 at night (which happened twice in the past three weeks) our pipes would be frozen until at least 10 am. Although I wanted to stay longer, my wife broke her ankle last year on our icy deck and wanted to get out before the rain and snow began.


Congratulations on your beautiful trout.


Bill Quimby




My wife and I usually spend a week in Greer every summer. I love flyfishing, and I like the little Colorado even though the fish are small, it is a quaint little stream and fun to mess around on. Next summer when we come up it would be my pleasure to buy you lunch.

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as always - great pics Doug! just one question - did you glass any bucks up in preparation for your upcoming deer hunt in 2 weeks?

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I'm in the White Mountain phone book. Call me a few days before you head up and we'll flip to see who buys the patty melts at the Rendezvous.


Some of the best days of my life were spent with my grandson and his buddies on the Little Colorado in Greer, making certain that every boy caught his limit.


But after Logan discovered music and girls, he didn't have time to come up. (He's 20 and a junior at the UA.) Meanwhile, without someone to fish with, I hadn't fished on the mountain for the past five years.


It's hard to describe exactly how thrilled I was when he drove up in August and we were back on the creek together again, just like old times. Can't wait until he returns next year.


Bill Quimby

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Great pics and Fishing story RR- enjoyed every bit.. Made my arm twitch from my Alaskan experience this summer.!


Thanks for sharing... Let's hope for some above avg snows and healthy lakes and rivers come spring and ICE OUT!





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Thanks for the photos. Great country. We were camping in Lee Valley last week, went to Big Lake some, but didn't catch anything. Can't wait for tomorrow when grouse opens.

Bill, did you graduate from Snowflake HS? I remember a Bill Quimby in our class.

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