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2008 coues (Story added)

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Congratulations on your successful hunt!



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Yeah!! Sorry so long for the story I haven't had a chance to reply. I also don't have too many pictures because my digital camera was in 2 pieces when I went for it. Luckily I found an old disposable in the bottom of the saddle bag that had only a couple of pics left on it.


Altogether I was seeing an average of 3 decent bucks per day. On day 3 while glassing a good buck about 2000 yards away I could hear some branches breaking and rocks rolling off to my right. I turned and looked but couldn't see anything. Then I heard it again. I set up my 8 yr old son Nicolas so he could glass that hill while I was trying to get a better look at the other one. After a couple of minutes he was pulling on my shirt so excited he couldn't get a word out. So I went over to where he was and about 120 yards across the small canyon there was a good 4x4 buck about 105" and even better he was feeding and didn't know we were there. I don't think you could ask for a better set up, vantage point etc. I set up the bipod on my rifle and put the boy behind the tripod and binos. I waited for about 10 seconds for him to turn broadside and shot! I was sure he was down. But sure enough he was still feeding, didn't even pick his head up. So I set up again and shot. Again he was still standing there. But this time I got his attention (that's all I got). He took a few steps and stopped so I shot again and again. Then he disappeared over the saddle. I went back down the canyon to check my rifle, (the boy glaring at me the whole way), set up a target about the size of a paper plate. At 25 yards I couldn't even hit the plate. I was shooting all over the place. I have been shooting this rifle since I was about 12 years old. So I gave up hunting that day and sent for another rifle. I went back up there the following 3 days but couldn't find him again. On the second to last day I found another buck about 1500 yards away that was about 75 to 80" and decided I would take him. When I got to the point where I was going to shoot from I noticed some more deer about 60 yards below me. There ended up being about 15 deer feeding in the clearing, about 10 does and 5 bucks. I saw this one and waited for him to separate a little from the others and took him with a whopping 70 yard shot. Took my dad in there the next and he ended up getting one too!!


Here's another pic of my dad's and my deer.





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