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My dad and I got out to our spot by 7:15 this morning with no sight of any piggies. After about 2 hours we were glassing a hill and all of a sudden 100 yards to our right we saw 3 little piggies. Well we could not huff and puff hard enough to catch up to them. After we took our lunch break at Jack we headed back out to the same canyon. I spotted movement about 1000 yards away they were pigs. Off to the races we were. My dad only went half way but he said he would watch. When I got there I had a pig only twenty yards away and he was not acting like he wanted to play. So I let an arrow fly and I shot over him (well I used the wrong pin). I saw them all heading over the hill and one last piggie trying to keep up. He stopped only for me to see his head. Moments later he took off running. All I could think is 50 yards is a long shot so I barked at him and he stopped arrow away and thud. I had nailed him. He only went about 40 yards before he expired with his head plowed into a cactus and his butt in the air I could not help but laugh at his position. I had nailed the heart perfect. What a way to start the NEW YEAR. This is my biggest pig yet.





Here is the the way I found him







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Saw a bunch of pigs the last few days, brought back a lot of memories of bowhunting them. I always figured when pig season came around it was time to stick something! Congrats!

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Congrats Clay!

We are still looking in 22. Seen lots of deer tonight but no piggies yet. We went out opening day but had to come home and replace wheel bearing in my truck. We will be back at it tomorrow.


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Congrats on the piggie, that's one of the funnest critters to whack with a bow! JIM>

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Thats great Clay, congrats to you bud and that is one big pig. Did you dad get his yet?





Nope not yet but hopefully soon. ;)

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