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For those who have never gone...

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I highly recomend you taking a few days and attending the Dallas Safari Club convention. I just got back from 5 days over there and it was another great show for sure.. I would rate it just behind the SCI show in Reno in terms of number of booths, sites and such..but no slouch by any means!! There is enough stuff there to keep you and the better half entertained for a few days!! I got to man handle a 180,000 $ 28ga. Holland&Holland, kicked around the idea of some hunts I've never thought of doing previously, bought a few new bronzes for the collection, etc.. Wife got to ohh and ahh over the clothes, fur coats, insane jewlery, etc.. There were so many mounts of insane trophies that three days wasn't enough time to see them all!!


Ive missed the last couple of years due to schedule conflicts, and it felt great to finally go back and catch up with alot of old friends who live around the globe..


BTW, I got my 2009 and 2010 hunts all lined out and money handed over!! I'm headed to Tajikistan in Nov of this yr for 2 weeks of HIGH altitude hunting! I have a couple of buddies who have been waiting to see if their permits were going to be granted by the USFW for their Marco Polo Argali sheep. Finally, they got the "green light" and were granted the permits to import them. I'm going with them and will be hunting Mid Asian Ibex (largest species of Ibex) while there, then helping them with the sheep..


2010 will find myself and a couple of other CWT'ers in Namibia stalking a vast array of African plains game. My list is getting smaller and smaller with every Africa trip(this will be the 5th), so my menu is small and was purposely made with species found in that particular country.. Hartmanns Mountian zebra, Klipspringer, Damara Dik-Dik, Gemsbok, and Kalahari Springbok.. the other guys will be on their very first African safari and will be hunting kudu, warthog, impala and such!!

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BTW, I got my 2009 and 2010 hunts all lined out and money handed over!! I'm headed to Tajikistan in Nov of this yr for 2 weeks of HIGH altitude hunting! I have a couple of buddies who have been waiting to see if their permits were going to be granted by the USFW for their Marco Polo Argali sheep. Finally, they got the "green light" and were granted the permits to import them. I'm going with them and will be hunting Mid Asian Ibex (largest species of Ibex) while there, then helping them with the sheep..


2010 will find myself and a couple of other CWT'ers in Namibia stalking a vast array of African plains game. My list is getting smaller and smaller with every Africa trip(this will be the 5th), so my menu is small and was purposely made with species found in that particular country.. Hartmanns Mountian zebra, Klipspringer, Damara Dik-Dik, Gemsbok, and Kalahari Springbok.. the other guys will be on their very first African safari and will be hunting kudu, warthog, impala and such!!

Man do I hate you ;). I have such a fetish for Ibex. And don't get me started on the Marco Polo. Or the Africa trip. Insanely jealous Scotty. I'm sure you'll keep us posted, but good luck I'll be looking forward to pics.

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I'm headed to Tajikistan in Nov of this yr for 2 weeks of HIGH altitude hunting! I have a couple of buddies who have been waiting to see if their permits were going to be granted by the USFW for their Marco Polo Argali sheep. Finally, they got the "green light" and were granted the permits to import them. I'm going with them and will be hunting Mid Asian Ibex (largest species of Ibex) while there, then helping them with the sheep..


I knew there had to be ulterior reasons for that mountain climbing and marathon training ;) Sounds like a memorable experience will be had.




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Thanks guys... I am really excited about the Ibex hunt, but its sure has been an uphill battle for my buddies with their import permits for the sheep. It seems that Marco Polo hunting is going to be closing its doors soon.. They keep giving fewer and fewer import permits every yr..And who wants to pay that much to sheep hunt and not be able to bring your sheep home??! As long as USFW keeps their end of the agreement, our hunt is golden.. If not, the outfitter mentioned I might have to change my hunt from Tajikistan to Kazahstan. No sense in going to Tajik if we cant hunt sheep, when there are just as many Ibex in Kaza at lower elevations at the same cost. We'll be hunting them at 16,000 to 16,500 ft. elevation in Tajik!!


Africa will be my 1st trip to Namibia. The others Ive taken were all to South Africa and once to Zimbabwe. The countryside looks exactly like southern AZ.. dry desert grasslands CRAWLING with game!! We arent going until 2010, but it will be here before we know it.. Never hurts to start planning early!


As far as the BBQ, I'd do it! Just have to have enough time to get the house in order!

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Sounds like you have some awesome hunts lined up. I am definitely jealous of the ibex hunt. I have been pondering the whole Asian hunting experience for quite a while and really want to hunt tur and ibex. The only problem is that I will probably have to finish my residency before I can take off enough time to do one of those hunts.

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