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Carp Contest?

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Can you really call coues "big" game?



lol you haven't killed a good Coues buck have you?

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Can you really call coues "big" game?



Absolutely, without a problem. :)




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Can you really call coues "big" game?



lol you haven't killed a good Coues buck have you?

Yes. The last one was tasty, all 3 meals :lol:

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Is Coues Big Game? :rolleyes: C'mon buddy, you might as well drop the F- bomb.Said by many to be the hardest big game animal to hunt. Look it up, while your here ;) .

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For you Muley hunters:

Big Carp Contest



:D Thanks for posting that, I knew there had to be a consolation contest somewhere. :D



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Allthough, Calling this deer a "carp" is a shame :angry: :( <_< :blink: :huh: . I wish people wouldn't call umm that but whatever. They're majestic and a hard earned trophy in they're own way.







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I've hunted easterns, mulies and coues. They can all be tough, they can all be easy. It's just as hard to find a nice mulie in the flats, as a coues in the hills. I've had mulies walk right by me, and coues sit at a trailhead parking lot, and watch me get out of my truck and get on my way without running. If you look at success rates outside of the strip,or Dec hunts in some units, not much is a gimmie. Carp deer huh? How much did the mule deer vs coues deer auction tag go for?

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Is Coues Big Game? :rolleyes: C'mon buddy, you might as well drop the F- bomb.Said by many to be the hardest big game animal to hunt. Look it up, while your here ;) .

It was a joke referring to their size. Notice I put big in quotes

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<<<<<<<<<<< this is my lion huntin dog :rolleyes: The picture is just after a hard days hunt in the field.....hes relaxin in his swim trunks at the bunkhouse.





so, why do "they" call 'em carp?

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Short answer- Because they are bottom dwellers.


I love a good mulie hunt as much as the next guy, killed my share, start my season out in Utah with Archery deer, but come on ac guy, your on a Coues site with most of us die hard Coues fans that's just disrespectful. ;)


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No carp contest because..........FRIENDS.......... DO NOT LET FRIENDS HUNT MULE DEER!




hahaha.... I agree...thats awsome...i have only been on 1 mullie hunt and it just wasnt the same excitement for me like the coues deer...

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Short answer- Because they are bottom dwellers.


I love a good mulie hunt as much as the next guy, killed my share, start my season out in Utah with Archery deer, but come on ac guy, your on a Coues site with most of us die hard Coues fans that's just disrespectful. ;)




YEAH! ;) :lol: What you guys think this is.... CD.com???? :P

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