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2010 Javelina

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I was finally able to take my pig today. I glassed up a herd of 7 at about 7:15 this morning at about half mile away. Not really all that far, but they were on the other side of a pretty nasty canyon. It took me about 45 minutes or so to get over to them. I was able to get right in the middle of the herd and had multiple pigs between 25-40 yards, but it was so thick that I couldn't get a single shot off. They finally figured out that something was up and left.


I watched where they went and started following them. Of course, they went straight UP the canyon wall! I did my best to stay about 100 yards behind them. When they walked over a little finger, I high tailed it over there to make some ground while they couldn't see me. When I got to where I last saw them, I ended up bumping one of them that was bedded down.


That pig woofed, which cause a big old male to start walking below me. No time to range him and I figured it was now or never. I guessed him at 40 yards and let my arrow fly. The arrow flew true and double lunged him. He didn't go far and expired shortly after the hit.


I didn't have my camera with me so no good pics for me this year. I did snap a couple on the cell phone though.


He was a BIG old boar with some gnarly teeth. His body was really grey and his head was almost completely white.





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good job, man they are fun to hunt!!!My boar was light in color also his collar was almost gone.

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Way to go Blake! You've been on quite a roll with your bow latley... Congratulations :)

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Thanks guys!




This makes 4 pigs, an antelope, an elk and a coues deer since I bought my Trykon 4 years ago. A lot of guys bag on that bow, but man am I glad I bought it!! It fits me perfect and I shoot it very well.


Now if I can just find a nice mule deer I will add him to the list too!

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Congratulations and thanks for posting. Now I know what they look like. No wonder I haven't seen any. I was thinking about hanging up my 15's and looking in the bottom of Apache Lake for my old jasons. I saw way more pigs with the $35 pair than my swar. 15's. I don't want to think my age has anything to do with it yet. :unsure:



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Don't feel so bad, TJ. In all the time I spent scouting and the three full days I spent hunting, this pig was in the only herd I was able to find. My brother took one out of this same herd on opening day. I gave them a week to settle down before I went back and they were in the exact same spot. There are now only 6 left so we are done hunting them. My dad still has a tag to fill as well, but we don't want to kill any more out of that herd, so he may be done.

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