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The week long parade of snowstorms across Arizona were set to break Saturday, so when the Interstate highways reopened, I headed up to the south rim of the Grand Canyon to capture the breaking storm. I hoped to see snow deep in the canyon, various shades of gray clouds and streams of light onto the eroded rock faces. The scenery did not disappoint. The road to Hermit Rest and Desert View were closed, so I was anchored at Yavapai Point with a just a few other photographers and tourists. I spent from late morning until the last of evening glow in awe of the changing conditions in this spectacular location. Truly one of the better days I will probably spend this year. Hope you enjoy the images.



Lingering snow squalls raced across the canyon.









As the afternoon progressed, the clouds parted more and allowed rays of sun to light the canyon walls and bring out more color to contrast against the white snow. It was a gusty afternoon causing swirls of snow and ice crystals to be carried up the rim face and around us along the viewpoint.















Finally, the sun lowered towards the western horizon, providing longer shadows and more color to the sedimentary rock layers, temples, finger ridges and remaining clouds.















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Great photos doug! Wish i had the time to learn how to use a camera correctly and the money to buy one, eh just another thing to add to the list. Glad to see you made it. My sister dug out Saturday midday to get some freshair for the first time since Wednesday AM :blink: She said it was alot worse than the storm last year that took out the Hastings roof.

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Awesome Doug!! I was thinking this morning about you and wondering when we would start seeing some spectacular snow images from you! Thanks for sharing them. I am glad your day was so awe inspiring!




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Amazing! Simply stunning! When I read that you were going to try to make it up there I was worried because town was still so bad. Looks like you made it okay and your persistence certainly paid off! Thanks for sharing your art with us!

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Thanks all.

I did not what to expect when I left Saturday morning as I-17 and !-40 had been closed earlier. ADOT did a great job as travel was on wet road with only a few slushy spots. Besides creating great scenery, the storm had another blessing in that there were not many tourists at the park. I had been waitng for a significant winter storm that had a snow level dropping to 4000 feet. Glad I went to the Canyon as opposed to Sedona.



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Breathtaking captures Doug.

Thanks for taking the time to brave the traffic conditions.

You were on a mission and I'm happy it didn't disappoint.

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Spectacular pictures! I love the Canyon during the winter - clear crisp skies, less tourists, and way fewer cars. Thanks for making me miss one of the best places on Earth:).

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Just plain impressive and beautiful pictures Doug. If you spent all day, I say it was worth that at least!


Thanks for sharing those shots.

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Absolutetly amazing pictures Doug! Great job of capturing the contrasting colors and beautiful landscape.

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One of the final ones taken as the soft light after dusk turns the eastern sky soft pastel colors.

I had to stay around late and be sure that I was the last person out of the parking lot ;)



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One of the final ones taken as the soft light after dusk turns the eastern sky soft pastel colors.

I had to stay around late and be sure that I was the last person out of the parking lot ;)





WOW! I love that one!!!




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