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The Doc did not do surgery

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Well, they knocked me out and filled my elbow up with cortozone and :blink: ripped :blink: it free....No really... One guy holding my upper arm and the other guy pulling on the fore arm... :huh: They did not cut me. He said only about 5% they can free by hand and not cut...Its the first time I have touched my thigh without pain in 3 months. Would have posted sooner, but we have had computer issues...

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thats good news


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Glad to hear you're doing good. It's always good when they don't have to cut. Hope your recovery goes well. :)



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The cortizone worked rally good for my elbow buddy. Almost two years now and free of pain!


Ernesto C

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Glad to hear it will be o.k for you. Any problems or long term issues with shooting your bow???


I had cortizone injected into my knee after a car accident years ago. I did not like that needle being wiggled around into the depths of my knee.Ouch! But it sure felt better after awhile!

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Great news, and I'm happy for you, but you haven't seen anything yet.


I've got stainless steel splints and screws buried in my arm, a pacemaker in my chest, and a plastic stent in the big artery that feeds my heart.


They removed my gall bladder through my belly button a few years back and sent me home with two Band-Aids and a couple of stitches. (Only a few years before that, they would have cut me open like a watermelon.)


They freeze cancerous growths off my skin twice a year, and recently spent a couple of hours cutting out a squamous carcinoma, slice-by-slice.


I've had tubes with balloons run up my groin on four different occasions, and just two years ago a laser on one of those tubes purposely "ablated" (destroyed) a portion of my heart.


About half of my teeth are covered with caps, another fourth are filled with amalgamations of something or another. Another fourth are missing.


I take a daily dose of an anticoagulant (it also is used as a rat poison) to avoid having a stroke, which means my blood must be tested every ten days to two weeks to avoid bleeding from every orifice in my body.


Other pills keep my heart from racing erratically (the same pills also can cause a fatal arhythmia if I screw up and take a double dose).


More pills keep my lungs from from filling with water and my lower legs and feet from swelling to three times their normal size. This makes me want to pee every five to ten minutes. Unfortunately, I've got an old man's prostate and need to take other pills so I can pee.


I also take pills to help me combat low thyroid levels and a goiter, others to keep my arteries from filling with plaque, and still others to replace the potassium I lose by peeing so much.


Isn't modern medicine wonderful?


I'm so happy that Obamacare is coming. NOT!


Bill Quimby

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Dang Bill, you sound like a walking science project :lol


The only thing on your medical list that I have is "Hypothyroidism", and I don't like it at all. But things could be worse ;)

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What was the medical name for your injury?.It kind of sounds like what I had with my shoulder.Mine was called frozen shoulder syndrome.I had four months of intense phsical therapy.If it would have not worked they would have put me under and phsically ripped the scar tissue in my shoulder.

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What was the medical name for your injury?.It kind of sounds like what I had with my shoulder.Mine was called frozen shoulder syndrome.I had four months of intense phsical therapy.If it would have not worked they would have put me under and phsically ripped the scar tissue in my shoulder.


Radial head fracture and I also fractured the other bone in the elbow

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