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Robbed of a Perfect Game...

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So did anyone see the interview with Galarraga after he was robbed of his PERFECT game on the third out of the 9th inning on a terrible call. One the ump admits to blowing. The dude was all smiles and didn't once speak ill of the ump. Total class act. They need to make this right and give him his Perfect Game...he earned it.

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Jim Joyce made a horrible call. Galarraga will prolly get his Perfect Game, pretty sure the Commissioner will over turn the call. Made me sick after watching the play...thought I was gonna puke. There was a website made last night for Jim Joyce.



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TOTAL class act!!! :)


Galarraga made a comment something to the effect of '.... I'll have the tape to show my son someday, and that's what matters....'.







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Too bad the DBacks didn't trade for this young man instead of Dontrell Willis! I will take character over ability anyday and this young man has a lot of quality character no doubt!

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class act for sure pretty nice corvette the tigers gave him today

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MLB and Mr. Selig need to do the right thing and correct that call. He pitched a perfect game and human error took that away. Can anyone say 'Replay'......

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One thing we need to remember is that they get one chance to get it right and its all done in milliseconds. How often do we have to look at it several time from different angle to get it right. Now in this case, it was just a blown call. I know the ump. must feel terriblt.

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Selig proves again why he's the worst commish in all of sports. What could he possibly be thinking by deciding not to reverse the call. What an A$$. Just one more reason not to watch baseball.

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umps and refs, at all levels, from little league on up, think that folks come to see them perform, not the players. when was the last time you watched any game at any level that didn't have poor officiating? superbowls, world series, nba championships, college championships, high school, youth leagues, you can find horrible calls at all levels, in all games. go back to the dane org mythical hit in the world series. it was a much worse call than this. seahawks/steelers super bowl, it was a blowout by seattle if you take out the bad calls. at least here the ump didn't ump up and refuse to admit he was wrong. but that was a rotten call. anybody could have made that call. they need to send him home for awhile to let him think about it and let the other umps realize that there are consequences when they make a $h!t call. man, that was bad, really bad. really, really bad. Lark.

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another interesting thing is that Joyce was voted the 2nd best umpire in I think 2003 and 2008 in a Sports Illustrated PLAYERS poll.


perfect time for all of us to remember that NO ONE is perfect. we are all human. we all make mistakes.


the bigger thing is how do we handle it? how do we handle it when we make mistakes? are we humble about it or do we try and lie about it? also, how do we handle it when someone makes a mistake against us? are we understanding or are we jerk offs?


IMO, both people handled this situation the best that could be.


With that said, just more fuel for the instant repaly fire. it would have been very easy and would not have taken that much time for an ump to stick his head behind a black curtain and correct the call. heck, I am sure all they would have had to do was look up at the big screen to correct it.

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All I can say is that an ump with 22 years experience should not be missing that call. Ever......

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i got to thinkin' while i was out welding. it was garth org, not dane. they're brothers and both played for the royals.


yeah, no excuse what so ever for that call. they said there was about 18,000 people there, none of em with as good a look at the play as he had, and they all knew he was out. even if it was a call that didn't mean anything, he shoulda made it. but a call that made the difference in a perfect game? no, he was wanting to be remembered too. he wanted to have something to do with the outcome, other than making the right call. it wasn't even a close call and if he can't make one that is that plain, he needs to sit for awhile and think about it. i guarantee he wishes he'da called it right, and i think he knew it was bad when he did it, but he didn't and he robbed history by doing it. Lark.

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Selig absolutley made the right call. You don't start a bad precedent of over turning calls. In 1985 an umps horrible call decided the WORLD SERIES and it was not overturned.


No way you over turn this call for the sake of a perfect game.


Just be glad that both guys are handling the situation with class.


Could you imagine if it were Ozzie Guillen? :D :lol: :D


Milt Pappas was robbed of a perfect game in the 60's by the ump and it was not over turned either.

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