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coues hunter

jan 2010 buck

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Jan 2nd I spotted this buck running a doe across an open ridge. I was amazed by his wide spread. He was certainly a buck of intrest to me. That morning I stood 65 yards from him and was unable to get an accurate range before my opportunity passed. I was able to turn him up every weekend of January after that but after multiple failed stalks I still had all my arrows. Untill the last weekend that is. After a little shuffle with a coworker my Saturday shift was covered and I set off on the 6 mile hike to the canyon he called home. At this point in my mind he was the only buck in existence. I had trouble that morning but finally turned him up when he stood from his bed in the afternoon. He was with another buck and a few does which put my stalk on hold untill the next day. When I found him the next morning he was all alone and working to the back of the canyon where he had bedded the day before. I remember thinking about how everything just seemed to be falling together. Not a very common thought of mine when hunting Coues deer with a bow.

About two hours later I crested his side of the canyon and was happy to see him bedded in a small shadded opening 150 yards below. The pack and shoes stayed there and I slowly decended toward the buck. When I peeked over a cliff to range him below me he rose to his feet and I lost whatever composure I had left. He stood there looking around long enough for me to calm down and release an arrow. I don't remember hearing the bow or even seeing the arrow fly. I only remember seeing the hide on his chest ripple where the arrow passed though. I was overwhelmed with excitement and emotions knowing the buck I wanted for so long was now fatally hit.

After taking pictures and boning out the buck it was close to dark and I was just beginning the pack out. With 80 lbs of meat and gear I made the thee hour hike in just under seven. I stopped quite a few times to rest, eat and cross knee high freezing springs. It was long, cold and painfull. But nothing really matered at this point. With that buck on my back I could have crossed hot coals with a smile. It was a Hunt not soon forgotten.


The buck gross scores 101 and measures 16.5" inside.


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Just flippin awesome man!! thx for sharin, get's me pumped to pick up that bow this season, and the pack!

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Sweet buck man!! :D

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