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A sad loss

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Tuesday my dear friend called me and told me she had some terrible news, her house had been robbed. She proceded to tell me that our Polaris Ranger that was in her garage was stolen along with one of her quads. They trashed her house looking for who knows what. They took a pair of 8X Swarovski's but left her 15's on the tripod sitting in the living room??? They torched, cut and pried open her gun safe that was in the shop, took over 18 guns, but left about 12??? The things they took does not make a lot of sense, so the sherrif's think that they were tweekers. We lost 2 double bull blinds, 2 hang on tree stands, 2 spare tires, a bag of tools and parts. We do have insurance to cover the Ranger, but will cost us to buy a new one. We are going to get a list of the guns that were stolen to post, so that people can keep an eye out for. Our Ranger is a 2007 with faded out camo that looks purple now, had the lock and ride system, roof, windshield and back, we have the doors still at the house. If anyone sees and ad or hears of someone selling stuff, we would appreciate hearing about it. This theft took place just outside of the town of Williams, off of I-40.


We will keep ya posted.


Kathi and Mark Nixon

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Here are a couple of pictures of what the safe looks like. Took with my cell phone, not really good quality!post-1911-0-88654000-1306387162_thumb.jpg


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First of all I would like to say how sorry I am to hear of your loss and the same for your friend who had her house trashed by some low life scum bags. I hope someone comes forward with some information that will lead to an arrest and all the property returned safely. We should be allowed to shoot people who are caught. :angry: They did it right back in the day. Hang the dirty stinken thieves. Keep us informed on how this turns out. I feel your pain. :(



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First of all I would like to say how sorry I am to hear of your loss and the same for your friend who had her house trashed by some low life scum bags. I hope someone comes forward with some information that will lead to an arrest and all the property returned safely. We should be allowed to shoot people who are caught. :angry: They did it right back in the day. Hang the dirty stinken thieves. Keep us informed on how this turns out. I feel your pain. :(




Those that catch the thief should be able to decide what they want to do with it.


Look at it as a form of trophy hunting. Do I pass on this 5 x 5 in hopes of seeing that 6 x 7 that I saw when I was scouting? Do I shoot this thief or let him run away to be caught another day before I nail his hide to the door?



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Sounds like they knew what was in the house. Who carries a torch around with them that is capable of cutting though a safe.

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Sorry for your loss. I agree that it sounds like a professional job, not drug addicts. The police us the term "tweekers" to cover up the fact that they don't really want to investigate crime. We have had all kinds of copper wire stolen from work by "tweekers" that knew what 480 volt wires to cut(live sets versus standby sets) with extra heavy duty cutters which they brought on scene.

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Sounds like they knew what was in the house. Who carries a torch around with them that is capable of cutting though a safe.





Never seen a tweeker carrying around a torch... Doesnt take that much heat to cook their dope!



Sounds to ME like it might have been someone who knows something about the house.... Who RANDOMLY takes a torch on a robbery? Someone who knows there is a safe in the house, THATS WHO!

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Really sorry to hear about this. Hope youguys are able to recover you're stuff and prosecute the scumbags.



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any pics of the quad and ranger or license plates. some might be stupid enough to drive it around up here!

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Just to clear up some things, the theives did not bring anything with them. All the tools they used to break in and do damage with, were on the property. The Sherrifs office did a great job I understand, they got lots of fingerprints, some DNA??? was afraid to ask about that one, shoe prints. They were at the house for over 6+ hours on Tuesday and came back on wednesday. They followed the tracks of either her quad or our ranger into the woods and found a backpack. they kept it for evidence and will get it back to her/us later. The sherrifs said that they were looking for a safe in the house as all the prints on the walls were crooked, they feel that is what they wanted was money, when they did not find anything in the house, they took some valuables. Get this they even took some Elk and Venison from the freezer!!


Again our Ranger is a 2007 700XP has camo that has faded to a purple tint, had the lock and ride windshield, top and back on it. They plates are MCMJ58 and were registered in Jan for both street and HOV tags. I dont know if I have a picture of it, when I get home I will search my photos and post one.


Again we will post the list of guns and property ASAP when she gets it all compiled.


Thanks for your kind words.

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So sorry guys! We will keep our eye open here in Flagstaff!

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WOW, that is not cool at all.... Sure hope they catch them, I now an alarm will not deter a professional but at least it would of made them be quick about there break in, that is why I had one installed. Post pics of your stuff for us to watch out for.

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A quick update, one of our friends is up there still helping out securing the house....they took a drive in the forest and found our ground blinds, tree stands and back of pegs. Now they are waiting for the sherif to show up. Hopefully they will let them take the stuff and not take it in as evidence..but in any case we will get that stuff back. I hope they find the Ranger. But I am not going to hold out.

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