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Wallow Fire

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i didn't say it was the "wolves" fault. i said it's the fault of the stupid @$#%^$&$*%^ that dream this crap up and their punk lackies that drink the koolaid. Lark.

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Its all money driven and motivated. The only thing that makes the government live and die is money. Hit em in the pocket books and they will change policy. Much like the politicians. I'll give the eco-enviro nuts that much(as much as it disgusts me to say it). They know what works to get things done for them. They sue cause they know the powers that be listen when it comes down to legalities. We all see what happens when there voices are listened to. People like us need groups with large pockets to turn the legal battle back in our favor to straighten this out.

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Lets hope the winds calm down today and they can get the upper hand. This fire has changed many lives and its affects will be felt for many years to come. The people who started this should be throw into the woods and left to die just like the animals were. They indangered alot of lives and they should be held responsible for what they did. Every day i watch i get more angry, more emotional. I would have never thought something like this could hit so close to home, but those woods have been my second home for the better part of my life and now there nothing. Thank you again to all the firefighters putting there lives on the line and stay safe.

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I just received the new IR map from last night's flyover. Here are pictures of Greer and RV. Not good, but not as bad as some of the earlier reports.





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Here's a report I received early this morning. My cabin is west of Main Street -- Bill Quimby


The following input came from the Greer fire department late Wednesday night:


The situation AT THIS MOMENT seems to be better than previously reported in the media and elsewhere, but not as good as hoped for. While the Honeybee Lodge was left untouched in Paradise Mt some others in the area were burned. The fire department saved several houses in the neighborhood so the damage on Wonderland Road at the end was minimal. Heaven Scent came through okay. Don't yet know about the houses around the Butterfly Lodge Museum. Also some cabins on East Fork were damaged and the Peaks may have sustained some damage around the main building.


The fellows at the fire department said that nothing on the West side of Main Street burned at this time. Molly's is okay, Sargent’s is okay. Not sure about Red Setter or the house at the end of the road next to Red Setter. One house on Ruhr was burned Also Crosby Acres seems to be spared.


Of course there are many flames still active but there are also hundreds of fire fighters in town to save houses that are still facing problems. Don't yet know to what extent the damage is on the east side of the street.


We are not out of the woods yet, due to spot fires and trees burning in and around the valley, but tomorrow the wind is supposed to be calming down so that is a big plus. Please understand that as unpredictable as this fire is, status may change, but hopefully the worst is over for Greer. Unfortunately the fire is not done and probably won't be until the rains come.

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If anyone makes it around Nutrioso I have a friend that has a cabin across the street from the old german resturant just past the Nutrioso turn off headed towards Springerville.


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