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You messin, I gotta check.


Your right Doug, the pic has draw information. Something to do with the draw is loading.

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I can just see some puter geek sitting at his desk laughing his butt off.


"DUUUUUuuuudde! Look at these 'Necks gettin' all excited about blasting bambie!"

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That's what I was talking about!


And what is up with putting info on "first-come leftover process" on the big game draw results part? I won't know if I need a leftover tag until they post the results in the first place.


Must be getting close.

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If I just put the cursor on the roadless area picture on the main page, it says "Big game draw-view draw information" Are they at G&F getting ready to make the switch?



Doug it's been like that for a couple days, it's gettin close ;)


By this, I can tell were all hopelessly addicted to hunting!!! B)

Yep :D

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I call the AZGF today, the lady in the draw dept told me that the draw has not taken place yet. She said that it will be another day or so yet. That they will load the data onto the website this weekend.


I asked her if she thought that we would be able to check online this weekend, and she said yes!!! She told me that they have been 1 month behind and that they are not using SCI-NEVADA and that she wishes that they were because the company they use now is less than good

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Look at all them viewers seeking the word!!!!!

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Another day down without results. It looks like we will have it on the 19th again this year. I don't know what to say if we don't know tomorrow, because they've never been that late. Good Luck!

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ya'll need to stop postin under this topic! when i come on and see two more pages of replies, it makes me think that the draw has been done! especially when my cell phone is dead so Doug cant call me and tell me what i drew like he did last year! this has got to stop! you all need to get a life ( HAHAHAHA same as me) hunting isnt everything ya know!!! theres scouting, shooting, hiking, hunting (shoot!) i mean fishing, shooting, scouting, hunting (dang)!!! this needs to hurry up! i mean, i alrady know i drew unit 1 antelope, unit 1 elk, 36b december, and what ever unit i put in for for sheep but i want you all to find out soon also!


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FWIW, from Bowsite ;)


(July 18th, 11:48 am)


I spoke to the AZGFD draw department. I was told the following:


+ They have not started the draw process. They are almost done loading the applicants into the computer which will take a couple more days - then they draw.


+ After they draw, they need to shut down the system for 40 hours to allow the 3rd party company to post the results.


+ They believe the results page will begin the 40 hour shut down on Friday with the results available on line Saturday or early Sunday.


+ This assumes no issues between now and then.


Unless they are trying to throw me off, look for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.



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FWIW, from Bowsite :D


(July 18th, 11:48 am)


I spoke to the AZGFD draw department. I was told the following:


+ They have not started the draw process. They are almost done loading the applicants into the computer which will take a couple more days - then they draw.


+ After they draw, they need to shut down the system for 40 hours to allow the 3rd party company to post the results.


+ They believe the results page will begin the 40 hour shut down on Friday with the results available on line Saturday or early Sunday.


+ This assumes no issues between now and then.


Unless they are trying to throw me off, look for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.



This is just some silly rumor B) RIGHT. The results will be out by the end of this week ;) I hope :D

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who knows. they did move the first come permits to aug. 11th from aug. 7th with no online apps. so maybe they are experiencing technical difficulties, wheres the computer geeks when you need them? ;)

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This is why I went and bought stuff to fletch some arrows with today. It'll keep me busy for a while, but when I run out of arrows I don't know what I'll do...My wife got me a new target for my birthday (the 20th) but I can't have until then so now what....

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Bad news......well kinda sorta...."The draw results wouldn't be available till next weekend". This was from Duane S. himself so take it for what it's worth. I still have a little hope it will be tomorrow or Thurs.... but ...that pretty much killed it for me! I don't blame anyone for not believing it, I know I don't want to! Good luck to all, JIM>

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