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Hahaha its not like they said "Burn the gays and homosexuals" they just need to shut their mouth and move to the left coast and give the West back to the conservative moral, God fearing people.............. Its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

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great post. I hate how hypocritical the libs are. They cry that they have the freedom of speech and can say what they want yet they pounce on anyone who speaks out against gay marriage.


I am sure that all the tree huggin' hippies in the media have a role in this.

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great post. I hate how hypocritical the libs are. They cry that they have the freedom of speech and can say what they want yet they pounce on anyone who speaks out against gay marriage.


I am sure that all the tree huggin' hippies in the media have a role in this.


Yep - it is absolutely terrible. If you agree with Chick Fil A and do not believe in gay marriage than you get classified as a homophobe and a gay hater. Their logic on this is unbelievable.

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Honestly, why does anybody even care about gay marriage? I could care less what two consenting adults do in their private lives. Does not affect me one bit.


"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782"


I see all of this discussion by politicians about gay marriage as a distraction from the fact that they are not doing their proper jobs. Don't look at the fact that a budget hasn't been passed in three years. Instead politician R/D is mentioning how they condemn/condone the activities of gays.


If it isn't in the constitution it isn't the federal governments business. Last time I checked the constitution said nothing about marriage or gays.

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Exactly right. Except that the Constitution says that anything not covered by the Constitution is to delegated down to the states to decide individually. That is why it up to the states to decide one way or the other....the way we have been doing it. California has passed gay marriage ban multiple times, by the citizens of their state only to be challenged in court over and over at tax payers expense.

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Honestly, why does anybody even care about gay marriage? I could care less what two consenting adults do in their private lives. Does not affect me one bit.


"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782"


I see all of this discussion by politicians about gay marriage as a distraction from the fact that they are not doing their proper jobs. Don't look at the fact that a budget hasn't been passed in three years. Instead politician R/D is mentioning how they condemn/condone the activities of gays.


If it isn't in the constitution it isn't the federal governments business. Last time I checked the constitution said nothing about marriage or gays.


Gay Marriage does matter do you want a homosexual teacher telling your daughter she can marry a princess. You can't be passive to immorality.

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Honestly, why does anybody even care about gay marriage? I could care less what two consenting adults do in their private lives. Does not affect me one bit.


"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782"


I see all of this discussion by politicians about gay marriage as a distraction from the fact that they are not doing their proper jobs. Don't look at the fact that a budget hasn't been passed in three years. Instead politician R/D is mentioning how they condemn/condone the activities of gays.


If it isn't in the constitution it isn't the federal governments business. Last time I checked the constitution said nothing about marriage or gays.


I understand what your saying about the constitution. But every great nation demise starts with moral decay

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Like huntjukie I agree that gay marriage is a distraction issue when it comes to politics however for me it is fundamentally important. To each his own but as long as the fight continues I firmly support that the family unit consisting of a Father & a Mother and will ensure that my children understand this as well.


Yes, there are many issues like our poor econmony, hunger and health care but none of these compare to the breakdown of the traditional family unit in my eyes.

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