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Pot Smokers and College Bound

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Make it a felony with stiff jail term. I have seen guys lose thier jobs over failing a drug test. It seems that dope smoking is more important to them than paying the bills.

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I don't EVER get into public political discussions but I just have to say something about this. I am a member of the millennial generation, also referred to as generation Y. Inevitably; I have experienced many changes in my 24 years of life, some great and some not so much. Unfortunately, in the last five to ten years I seem to have lost hope in my generation. I have worked my butt off all my life thanks to a father who taught me the value of work. I have built my life on honesty, integrity, and discipline. These values have worked for me. I am married, have a beautiful new baby girl, I am a week and a half away from graduating from Arizona State University summa cum laude with a bachelor's in microbiology, and have applied to medical school and hope to make a decision in the next few months of where I will attend for the next four years. I am not saying this to brag or put myself on a pedestal but I say this as an example of what living a life of morals and values can lead to.

This article literally makes me sick! Granted, I know that these people in Washington are not the brightest people in the world... so I should probably set my expectations a little lower. But honestly. I began to think... How would I feel if one of those pot smokers was my kid? What is the future for these people? How many lives will begin to revolve around another substance to abuse? What kind of lives will these people's children have? How will this positively contribute to our society, our economy, and our families?

What really sent me over the edge was that last quote by self proclaimed professor Gizmo (this guy is 50 years old...are you kidding me), "If only our forefathers could see us now." Did he just say that? If our forefathers could see our generation now, what do you think they would say? Would they be proud that fathers are not providing for their families? Would they be proud that our children are growing up without discipline? Would they be proud that faith and God are being thrown out of our towns and being replaced by addictive substances? Would they be proud that wives are replaced by pornographic images and football teams? How would you feel if you were a forefather who had literally sacrificed everything... EVERYTHING... even your very life, to provide a free country to your children and their progenitors?

I don't blame marijuana just like I don't blame booze, porn, and drugs for the desperate lack of values in our world today. It comes down to the agency we each have to make choices every day. We do have freedom, and I realize that. More than anything I am just sad... My precious daughter is going to be raised in this world. I can guarantee that she will learn to have faith, to work hard, to have integrity, and to be compassionate to others. She will learn the difference between right and wrong. She will know her potential, but will be ultimately backed up to her own choices, and I would be fibbing if I said that didn’t scare me. What kind of friends will she have? What will they teach her in school? Will the kid that she marries be driven and motivated and will my daughter be his greatest priority?

All of the students I go to school with are on a five or six year plan. They are either still living with their parents or living off of student loans. More often than not they are cheating and dishonest. They are more worried about how much they are going to drink this weekend or who they are going to sleep with than the state of the economy, the community they live in, and the families they will eventually be providing for. Yes maybe this was present in past generations but now it is the norm. That is terrifying!

Sometimes I can sit back and read something, take it with a grain of salt, and keep my mouth shut. But this point needed to be addressed. Who agrees with me? What can we do? Where do we start?

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Has "the great one" commanded Holder the sue Washington yet. They are violating federal law....

Cheech and Chong man......!!!

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Bryson, very well stated and I appreciate your perspective. I don' t think our founding fathers would recognize this country at all. There is a conscious effort being made to sever us from any ties to the principles and values that made this country great. Where to start? We better start making a lot of noise in the right places. It seems that until now, the idiots have been making the most noise! Why are the only people that scream about being offended, are the liberal, left wingers that want separate us from any vestige of faith and christian values? How about those who are offended by the removal of nativity scenes from public areas? The removal of the 10 commandments from public places? I think it is time that we start making the most noise! Talk long and talk loud every time you get the chance! I want to believe that we still are in the majority...we just haven't been making the most noise! I still believe in God, country, family and the flag, and the rights of the people!

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Bryson, very well stated and I appreciate your perspective. I don' t think our founding fathers would recognize this country at all. There is a conscious effort being made to sever us from any ties to the principles and values that made this country great. Where to start? We better start making a lot of noise in the right places. It seems that until now, the idiots have been making the most noise! Why are the only people that scream about being offended, are the liberal, left wingers that want separate us from any vestige of faith and christian values? How about those who are offended by the removal of nativity scenes from public areas? The removal of the 10 commandments from public places? I think it is time that we start making the most noise! Talk long and talk loud every time you get the chance! I want to believe that we still are in the majority...we just haven't been making the most noise! I still believe in God, country, family and the flag, and the rights of the people!


I couldn't agree more, except the part about being the majority. I fear we are no longer the majority. I'm not talking about race, I'm talking about values. I travel alot for work. What I see scares me! The "coasts" may as well be a different country. The interior of the country for the most part "remains in tack". The majority of the population doesn't live in these states. I feel we have slipped past the point of return. Don't mean to cast a dark cloud.

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Have we learned nothing from prohibition? legalize weed, have the (Dept of ATFM) alcohol, tobacco, firearms and marijuana regulate it just like they do alcohol and tax the heck out of it. We'll be out of debt in no time. That will deter crime, slow down the cartels and increase revenue. Problem solved. They are going to smoke anyways, might as well capitalize on it....the American way.

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3x's....shoot it could be 10x's the cost so long as its high quality and accesible, people will buy it. They wouldn't have to make shady back alley deals anymore, just go to your local Circle K and pick up your dope...cha ching $. The Cartels aren't really known for the quality of their MJ, potheads don't want to smoke weed that smells like gasoline.

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