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Swaro"s vs Kiabab

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I was looking to purchase a set of big eyes. 15"s i have narrowed it down to Swaro"s or Kiabab. What is everyones personal opinons on the two. Experience with them wanted. What is the better bang for the buck. Thanks

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Had the Kaibabs and sold them. They made my eyes hurt. You cant beat the vortex warranty though. Bought some swaros and I am happy with them. You can get the swaros for a few hundred bucks more than the kaibabs now that they have been reduced in price.

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best thing is to just rent a pair of each and try them out. Personnally I don't think you can go wrong with either one. I've had some of the lower quality 15's... Steiner, Vortex Vipers and Minox. They were all better glass than I was at glassing.

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Personally, I like the Kaibabs better. They seemed clearer to me than the Swaros. Both were 15's that I was looking through. That is just my opinion though. 4Falls is right. You really need to just go and look through them both for yourself. Your opinion might change once you do that. Both are fantastic glass. The warranty on the Vortex is unbeatable. Good luck!

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I have looked through both and they are both great glass. I prefer the Swarovskis but I don't have anything bad to say about the Kaibabs. Another one you should consider is the vortex Razor 12x50 HD binos. Bigger exit pupil and more light transmission in low light situations.

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I just don't understand how prople can compare the 15x swaro to the Kiababs. I had my Swaros sent in for repairs (for free) and borrowed a pair of Kiababs. First off I could not seem to get them crisp and clear (I have 20/20 vision) I tried everything but found out that is how they are. They are SOMEWHAT clear in the center but the entire outside view is nothing but BLURRY. I have been through EVERY pair of binos you can get your hands on and by far Swaro is NUMBER 1 but if you can not afford swaros Zeiss would have to be the next in line for affordability. They are 15 times clearer than Vortex. Don't get me wrong I LOVE VORTEX scopes but not their binos. Sit behind some Kiababs for HOURS and your head will hurt and it feels as if you are dizzy when you back away from them. Do like someone else said and rent the swaros for 1 day then the next day rent the Kiababs you will see what all the hype is about swaro in 1 second.


Oh and to top it off I had the Kiababs for 3 weeks and anyone that knows me I can find deer on any hill side but for some reason the enntire time I had the Kiababs I never could find one deer or anything for that matter.

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Save your money and get the new swaro HD's that are coming out :) This might sound bad but I've realized that a lot of people say what ever bino they have is just as good as the as swarovski, zeiss, and leica if they don't have any of those. For example I have two friends that own nikon action 16x50's and a friend that has some kiababs. All three of them say they're just as good as swarovski and they continue to say it even though we've gone out and tested them and there's clearly a big difference. Personally I think the swaro's are the clearest, brightest, and sharpest out there. Also quality too. Just holding them you can feel a difference. Plus the coatings will last a lifetime vortex and nikon's will break down over time. I don't have a pair of swaro's because my eyes are a little too close and yes I can look through them for about 5 minutes with the eye cups fully extended, then I start getting a little uncomfortabe. So I've had to settle for the fujinon 15x60 HB. But the new swaro's that are coming will have a closer interpupillary distance so I'm pretty excited!

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I just don't understand how prople can compare the 15x swaro to the Kiababs. I had my Swaros sent in for repairs (for free) and borrowed a pair of Kiababs. First off I could not seem to get them crisp and clear (I have 20/20 vision) I tried everything but found out that is how they are. They are SOMEWHAT clear in the center but the entire outside view is nothing but BLURRY. I have been through EVERY pair of binos you can get your hands on and by far Swaro is NUMBER 1 but if you can not afford swaros Zeiss would have to be the next in line for affordability. They are 15 times clearer than Vortex. Don't get me wrong I LOVE VORTEX scopes but not their binos. Sit behind some Kiababs for HOURS and your head will hurt and it feels as if you are dizzy when you back away from them. Do like someone else said and rent the swaros for 1 day then the next day rent the Kiababs you will see what all the hype is about swaro in 1 second.


Oh and to top it off I had the Kiababs for 3 weeks and anyone that knows me I can find deer on any hill side but for some reason the enntire time I had the Kiababs I never could find one deer or anything for that matter.



Sounds like you might have been using a bad pair of Kiababs if you think the Swaro is 15 times clearer than the Vortex but maybe your eyes just don't like the Kiababs for some reason. Everybody's eyes are different.


I've used them both side by side out in the field and for me I had a very hard time telling the difference between the two when it came down to on axis clarity. I found the Swaros just a bit sharper in the center but it was very hard for me to see the difference. I really had to look for it to see it. Edge sharpness was a different story. For my eyes the Swaros were sharp to the edge where as the Kiababs started to get a bit fuzzy at around 3/4 out from center. not bad though. It all came down to comfort and for some reason I just didn't find the Kiababs very comfortable to use for long periods of time. I can use the Swaros all day no problem but after an hour or so of using the Vortex eye strain became a bit uncomfortable. No headhaches, dizziness or anything like that but my eyes just started to feel tired and the Kiababs just didn't form to my face like the Swaros do.


So definitely if you have the chance try them both out before you make your decision and if at all possible spend a day out in the field not just a quick look in a store. I know a couple of guys who love their Kiababs and are great glassers with them but for me and for how much I glass I'd say the Swaros would be worth the extra money if I had to choose between the two.

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The pair of Kiababs I had were BRAND new. My buddy never has even taken them out. I have looked through numerous Kiababs before and saw the same thing as I saw through my buddies. I was commenting on being behind them not for a day but for weeks. I did have the caps off bonecollector LOL. But like you said opticnerd your eyes feel tired which is how mine was but when my eyes get tired I get dizzy. But anyway your buddies that have the Kiababs and Nikons that is the best GLASS they have and thats why to them they are use to it and think the clarity is by far the best. I felt the same way with the Zeiss 12x45 I love them to death and upgraded to the swaro. Now to compare them side by side I would say the only difference is field of veiw, The clarity in low light and depth of field is by far the best. To be able to see depth of field is by far the best thing in a pair of bino. For everything to look FLAT as a pancake man you will and do miss stuff left and right.

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swaro are nice ... i stuck with Nikon for now ...had the 12x50 action EX .. those worked for me. Eyes never got tired and litle differnece at low light.

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Rent or borrow both. Or go to outdoorsman in phoenix and play with both there. I did the same comparison and like the clarity a little more with kiabab, seemed to pop a little more. but remember eye strain and comfort. Both will do great, I ended up with the Swaros based on how they fit by face, since I would spend a lot of time behind them.

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Guest wdenike

Here is my take on the Swaro vs Kiabab deal. I heard that there is anywhere from a 7 to 20 minute difference at first and last light in favor of the swaro's. I think the 7 minute difference comes from the Kiabab owners heck bent on making others believe that they own the best, and didn't have to pay almost twice as much to get them. And the 20 minute difference is from the Sawaro owners heck bent on making others believe they own the best. I mean after all they did pay almost twice as much for them. And they are sure that is the reason they have to be better.I have looked through both. And I believe about 14 minutes in favor of the Swaro's is a fair evaluation.


Now this is just my feelings, and how I made my purchasing decision. First light is not even an issue. As with every tick of the clock it is getting lighter. And although I may not be able to see every point. As long as I can see and follow the animal, eventually all things will be equal. And a person can make up their mind what they want to do. Now last light I really didn't think was an issue either. I mean after all we are talking about glassing with 15 power bino's. And I am sure if we are archery hunting. The distance we are looking, 14 minutes is going to mean a no go till tomorrow. And I am sure we got a good enough look to know if we want to come back again. Now with a rifle hunter. I'm convinced with either Swaro's or Kiababs, and top of the line scope good to 500 yards. I'm sure we should be good to go.


Bottom line they are both good glass. If ya can go the extra bucks I guess go with the Swaro's. If ya can't go with the Kiababs. Or do what I did and get the Kiababs and use the extra money for more toys. Either way I don't believe you will be handicapped. Because after all it really comes to the person doing the glassing, that's what my wife reminds me every time she finds something first!!!



Take care, Willie

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Here's my .02 cents on this subject, and just so you know I'm not biased, I don't care what optics you choose :)


Trying to compare the Swarovski to the kiababs is like comparing a car to a truck. Their not in the same leage. Vortex does not produce these optics for that reason. They are a mid range (price) bino, so if that's what your looking for compare the likes. The kiababs are a very nice bino! But so is the older minox 15's, and I've seen it for years people comparing those to swaro's also. If your wanting a decent pair of big eyes on a budget, then I'd deffinitly recommend the kiababs! They are clear, but do get fuzzy around the edges.


I tested 4 big eyes before I bought, all side by side and at night to see the true differences. I looked through the kiababs, Leica hd 15's, swaro 15's, and the swaro 12x50's. what I noticed was pretty amazing, the kiababs were the least clear, but could still see pretty good! The leica's and the 15's were almost identical, except in price. They both had a bit of distortion at the edges but had a huge sweet spot compared to the kiababs. The swarovisions just blew them all out of the water in every way imaginable.


But if your only comparing the 2, swaro's are better built, better clarity, better to the edge, gather more light and IMO better warranty. Swarovskis warranty is one they plan on you never needing, vortex just doesn't ask questions when you do use it! And ask yourself if 30-40 mins a day of glassing is worth it? I know I hunt animals that are usually bedded up right at light and only get up right at dark, the times when you need to see the best!


Good luck on your upcoming purchase! I love buying new toys :)

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