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First Buck Down! Chapter 2

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Well with one day remaining in the first rifle hunt Daniel was ready and at my house at 5 AM. After a quick strategy session we headed out to a spot I knew had some nice bucks in it. As we drove into my spot we recalled the events of opening weekend.


As I posted in my earlier post "First Buck Down" my plan was to hunt opening day with my good buddy John in one of the southern units and get him a buck, then move into another unit and help bigorange and his group fill at least one of their tags. I got John his buck opening day then headed out to bigorange's camp the next morning. That morning on my way in I got a flat tire on the front end, after changing it I got to their camp well after first light. After making a wrong turn I finally found them. Soon after we spotted a couple of does and a small spike. Bigorange and I decided that the others would get first chance and off they went. As they topped the ridge the does trotted off without the spike. Less than two minutes later the spike bolted from the cut off to their left and soon was out of sight That was the only buck I would see all day however I did glass several does. We heard shots from every direction but no bucks would we see. This area was like being at the mall people ever where. Bradley "bigorange' grilled up some steaks and baked potatoes back at camp. Great meal Brad. I however had to return to the city for other engagements. About 2.5 miles from Brad's camp I noticed my spare tire was also going flat, this forced me to try to plug and inflate the other tire as my spare has a hole in the sidewall. It took both cans of fix-a-flat. I was able to text my wife and let her know the situation I was in and to alert my dad if I didn't contact them be 11:30 I was out of commission. With over 30 miles of dirt roads to travel with no spare and a temporarily fixed tire I was sweating bullets knowing most of that had no cell coverage. I was able to make it home after midnight.


Fast forward back to today; we arrived at my spot before daylight. Past experiences has told me to wait until I can glass the hill and ridge on the hike in as I have kicked up deer almost every time. Glassing as we slowly made our way into the area we noticed several other hunters driving in late. I explained to Daniel that I have spotted several bucks in this area and where each one was and where we would glass from. As I topped the high point on the ridge we were on I spotted movement, Buck a good Buck. I told Daniel to move to the next little point to get into position for a shot as the Buck was moving down the ridge. The Buck was 165 yards as we reached the point, he new something wasn't right and was getting ready to bolt, "shoot" I told Daniel and before I could get my binos up and on the Buck BOOOM and the buck rared up spun around and ran towards us then turned left BOOM Daniel's 25-06 barked. As the buck disappeared into the deep cut I didn't see any blood. Time was 6:37 am. After checking the area I was confident he was NOT hit.


Knowing this buck as well as I did chasing him the last two years with my bow during the December hunts I knew where he was headed. I told Daniel what the plan was and we started to do it. No sooner than I got my pad, tripod and binos out of my Badlands 2200 to start glassing the area for him I lookup from getting my tripod ready I spotted in he bottom of the canyon. I quickly range him 305 yards. He stands there for over five minutes trying to decide what he is going to do, during which time I am getting Daniel zeroed in on where he is and taking his time with the shot. Using his shooting sticks he sent the 120 grain round down range smacking the big buck right behind the front left shoulder. Time 7:28 The buck circles around going behind a big Mesquite tree and never comes out. We move down to another point on the ridge to get another vantage point. We are now 170 yards from the tree and I still can't see him under the tree. I decide to leave Daniel there and I would move down into the bottom and look for the buck, this would give Daniel a shot if I push him out. Deep down I know he is anchored and not going anywhere. As I reach the tree I can't see him, "oh sh!^, I know he hit him and didn't see him come out." As I circle the tree I see tracks and blood, then there he is in a small ditch.




After getting pics and gutting him I realize I will not be able carry him out whole. Daniel and i decide to hike back to the truck to unload our packs and call Brad for some reinforcements. Soon Brad arrives and we start back down the canyon. During the hike we talk about how Daniel will mount him, European or shoulder mount. After getting some more pics, I start the caping job and quartering him out.






Daniel with his first Buck EVER!



A pic with me.


A tough hike out but well worth it in my eyes as this buck will remain in my hunting circle and not in some strangers house. We reach the trucks around 1:30 pm.






Back at the truck.




This next picture is VERY graphic.


This is the entrance hole from the 120 grain Winchester 25-06 round with a slight quartering shot. The hole is almost golf ball size, Holy cr@&!!!!


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That's not graphic...ain't nothing but a close-up of a prickly pear fruit with a beetle hole in it! Nice job!

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Kudos on another successful hunt and a big congratulations to Daniel on his first buck!

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Way to go Elkhunter1! Who helps you out on your hunt?

Only when bigorange and I hunt together, mainly I hunt solo, my brother is too busy.

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great job stephen! I am still looking to get down south. Looks like you got it figured out!!

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great job stephen! I am still looking to get down south. Looks like you got it figured out!!

It seems that I am better at getting others on them than I am at getting them!

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great job stephen! I am still looking to get down south. Looks like you got it figured out!!

It seems that I am better at getting others on them than I am at getting them!

hahaha that's how it always goes. Like having a bull tag and only seeing cow and vice versa. Story of my life!

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great job stephen! I am still looking to get down south. Looks like you got it figured out!!

It seems that I am better at getting others on them than I am at getting them!

hahaha that's how it always goes. Like having a bull tag and only seeing cow and vice versa. Story of my life!

I bet if I got a rifle tag it would still end the same way! There is just such a rush to be able to get in close with my PSE.

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