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hauling elk question

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Got a quick question about hauling elk. My dad shot an elk today tagged it and then left. 4 other people my self included one of which still had his tag all cleaned the elk and hauled it out of the area. My dad showed up when we arrived at the truck with his elk. Question is did he need to be with us while we are taking out his elk???

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He did not do that. Does the tag need to be filled out even if it is not in the car. As I take what you are saying that transporting is any means of getting the animal out of the area?

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If I understand what you said: your dad shot and tagged then walked out to the truck while you and your friends cleaned and packed out the Elk. From what I understand the definition of "transporting" is by vehicle from the field to your home or processor or across state lines.

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I don't believe your friend having a tag would make a difference in that scenario. As long as your father was still in the area, ie not back at camp.

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And no my dad didn't walk back to the truck he got lost and found a camp then was driven back to the area.

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Technically it wasn't transported anywhere except back to the truck but I guarantee if a game warden would have walked up on you guys with a tagged elk and the guy who killed it not anywhere in site they would have been very suspicious and most likely given you a ticket unless you could of course prove to them your dad was there when it was killed and then got lost. Why did your dad leave you guys there anyway? Best thing to do with our lovely game wardens is to not give them any chance or reason to give you a citation. Because if they can they will.

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I have often wondered about this as well. Even with a signed transport tag you can have parts of the animal scatttered over a mile while packing out the pieces. Probably best to have the shooter close by until you are leaving the area with the animal all in one place and the transport tag signed and better still have the hunter with the meat until it is home or at the processor.

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I'm still wondering why he left as well, thanks for the responses. Love to hear a game and fish response.

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Very good question. I too would love to hear a G&F response, although we won't get one on here. I could see there being an issue if the shooter/tag holder is no where around and there are 4 other guys packing out an elk with his tag on it. If I were the warden, I'd be suspicious.

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sounds like his buddy is rubbing off on him..... B)


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6a, the question you have asked does not have a clear cut answer. It is a gray area of the law. I think that you need to look at the intent of the law to decide what to do. The law is intended to stop or at least make it more difficult for you or me to go out and shoot an animal for another. The transportation portion of the tag is usually filled out when the animal is transported to a residence or processor by someone other than the permit holder. If dad does not want to stay and help with the processing and packing of his elk, a photo of him with his elk would sure be a good thing to have.

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