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BOWTECH Carbon Knight or Carbon Rose???

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Is anyone familiar with either of these bows? My wife and I are in the process of putting together a silent auction to benefit Phoenix Children's Hospital. Bowtech/Diamond has offered to assist us by selling us one of these bows a a highly discounted rate for our auction. Problem is I am not familiar with either bow. Thoughts???



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I say carbon knight. Carbon rose is a woman's bow. A woman or man could shoot the carbon knight depending how adjustable it is.

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I say carbon knight. Carbon rose is a woman's bow. A woman or man could shoot the carbon knight depending how adjustable it is.


I agree. There will be a lot more money made with the Carbon Knight. Heck, I'll put in a bid. Let us know how to bid

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Guest 300ultramag.

I would stay away from Blowtech!!!! I bought one of the new carbon bows from them in April 2014 fir my elk hunt and it is a lemon. I asked for a refund as I spent more time in the shop with the stupid thing than at the range. And I spent alot of time at the range trying to get the thing to shoot normal. All I wanted was my money back. They told me.. No...


I wish Vortex made bows!!! They have customer service like it should be! Okay my rants over I would say the carbon rose to raise $$ for the kiddos as my riser was the exact on from the carbon knight.

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You might raise more money doing a raffle. I'm not a bowtech fan. Just my opinion. Me and my gf shot a few bows when we were in the market for her. She shot the pse verge, Mathews jewel, bowtech carbon rose. I even shot them just to see how they felt. Carbon bow was to light for my taste. A little heavier bow IMO is easier to keep steady. We actually ended up getting her a pse stinger 3G it can go from 35lb to 60 lb. ibo at 60 is 315fps. She is currently shooting it at 40lbs. Carbon rose isn't a bad bow though. Think about raffle because if I was bidding I would try to get the bow for less than retail. But if you sold 50 raffle tickets at 10 bucks a pop your already at 500 dollars. But it really depends how large you venue will be

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Good comment Maverick..... Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Just answer the guy's question and do not say people who buy tickets are waisting their money. This is not a Hoyt vs. Bowtech Debate.


Back to original question: I say go with the Knight, good bow and many people would like to own one.

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This is for a good cause and Bowtech is stepping up to help out so lets not turn this into a debate about other bows.


Rossislider I always donate to PCH and have yet to do so this yr, let me know if you need anything.

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I donate to pch as well because when I wasa cchild I was there being treated. It's not about one brand vs the other as bowtech makes many bows that are good bows but that particular one is falsely advertised as far as what it is. I've yet to have an owner of one come in the shop and brag how great it shoots or anything positive about it. Op either bow will serve well for a raffle as everyone loves raffles for a chance to win something. So take either one and you will make money. And besides I don't drink koolaid as it's not healthy for you. Hahaha

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Deck of cards...$20 per card=1040 made. You will sell the deck for sure....more than likely on this sight in a day.

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