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I Have been working in western Alaska on a some what island with two little villages, St. Micheals, and Steddins. Both villages have reindeer heard, some say there are up to 2000 in the combined heard. When I got here seen some big numbered heard but couldn't get any pictures, the bulls seem to be broken up into small groups. The last few days I haven't had much to do so I have been trying to get some pictures. There are also many cranes and geese stopping here as they migrate south.









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Thanks for sharing the pictures. So what is it you do for a living if you don't mind me asking? Would that be a red fox or an artic fox? :)



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Thanks again for that info. Once again thanks for all the pictures. :)



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Great pics, but I don't miss being there much. Fished for herring there and crab in the Pribilofs


I worked at St Michaels and in the Pribilof Islands 15 years ago. The reindeer were probably put on the island by Russian meat traders 200 years ago, they did so on the Pribilofs just below St Michaels . They also put foxes on the islands for the fur trades and the foxes did a lot of damage to the seal rookeries.

The domestic foxes are white or a blue/black. The reds are wild, artic fox are white.


Once while trying to land at St Paul, the runway was littered with reindeer and flight operations personal had to go out and chase them from the flight way.


One of the crewman on my boat at St George was a native and shot a reindeer on St Paul. Good eatin. I brought the rack all the way back to Tucson and gave it to my dad. I still cant believe he cut them up for arts and crafts.

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Great pics!

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No, I was too stupid while in the military, was offered orders to King Salmon and while thinking about it, someone else snatched them. But I did land in Shemya, AFB once.


I worked the fisheries up there from 1997-2000, 3 snow crab, I herring, 1 pollock and a salmon season on catchers and tenders.


You see unbelievable things up there you'll never forget; ie, wildlife, desolate ice flows, glow in the dark algae, watched a Fijian deckhand turn a live octopus inside out and eat its hearts while they were still beating. You don't see that everyday in AZ. .


Have you taken in the northern light show?

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The people around here say its not cold enough here for the lights yet. Im suppose to be going to Nome in a few day, they say the lows are in the high 20's there so maybe I will see them before I go home.

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Sounds like some real once in a lifetime experience stuff. I hope you'll keep that camera handy and continue to share with us. Thanks for the pics and Take care.


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Keep posting the pics, love them. Safe trip back.

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I have asked many of the natives here what the difference between caribou and reindeer are, most all say if you see them together the reindeer or shorter and stockier and some just say, reindeer have tags in there ear silly. :D They raise them like open range cattle and round them up once a year and vaccinate the calves and tag them. Some years they even dehorn all the bulls and sell the antlers, I was hoping to get to see that but I think I will be gone before they round them up.

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