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Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

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Can a person travel back and forth across the border if they have been convicted of a federal crime? Well, I know a lot people cross the border illegally, I'm just asking if an AMERICAN can do legally if they are guilty of federal crimes.

Maybe If they are a good swimmer or hiker, if a known felon was checked at a port it probably would go bad.

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One thing we must all realize. We already have hundreds of thousands of laws in this country. the problem is they are not enforced like they should be. So what happens? The lawmakers pass another bill and adopt another law that won't be enforced either. So on...and so on...and so on...

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Anyone that disrespects the law and all legal hunters by doing this is should always have the book thrown at them. I totally agree with Joe Hunter. It sets a presedence that anyone can try to do this and get a small fine or even get off without having to pay the piper. I remember the story of the A*%$ hole that lived in Prescott Valley who had been gut shooting elk so they would die off his property. He was caught and I don't rmember what his punishment was but I know it wasn't enough. This guy now owns a huge amount of acres in unit 10 that is extremly prime property with a herd of elk second to none. How do I know? I have seen the herd and talked to a guide that knows about him. He hates Game & Fish and will not let anyone hunt there except private parties. If you are a hunter he will prosecute you if you step a foot on his property because he knows you have a G&F license. I was told this by my friend who is the guide who lives in Williams. What does this show us about how these lawbreakers are handled? That you can break the law and still come out smelling like roses.

G&F needs to set a presedence of their own and make it so bad that people won't try this again. It's just like the death penalty in our country. If you are sentenced to die then do it. Don't make everyone else pay for your mistake for years.


We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It's time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for their actions.

Ronald Reagan

Even a private party would have to have a gnf license an permit.

I understand that but they are friends or family he knows and are paying HUGE $$$ to hunt his property. He gut shot these elk in PV because they were competeing with his cattle for graze. I was told he hated the elk and thats why he did it. He was quoted saying that G&F did nothing to help him and his cattle were going hungry. Those elk were there LONG before he leased that land I say. The other fact about this, He gets hunt tags for his own property from G&F. Kinda of BS if you ask me. You get busted before and the G&F still helping him make $$$

Land owner tags in AZ? Don't think so. Maybe he's feeding you guys some bull.

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Anyone that disrespects the law and all legal hunters by doing this is should always have the book thrown at them. I totally agree with Joe Hunter. It sets a presedence that anyone can try to do this and get a small fine or even get off without having to pay the piper. I remember the story of the A*%$ hole that lived in Prescott Valley who had been gut shooting elk so they would die off his property. He was caught and I don't rmember what his punishment was but I know it wasn't enough. This guy now owns a huge amount of acres in unit 10 that is extremly prime property with a herd of elk second to none. How do I know? I have seen the herd and talked to a guide that knows about him. He hates Game & Fish and will not let anyone hunt there except private parties. If you are a hunter he will prosecute you if you step a foot on his property because he knows you have a G&F license. I was told this by my friend who is the guide who lives in Williams. What does this show us about how these lawbreakers are handled? That you can break the law and still come out smelling like roses.

G&F needs to set a presedence of their own and make it so bad that people won't try this again. It's just like the death penalty in our country. If you are sentenced to die then do it. Don't make everyone else pay for your mistake for years.


We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It's time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for their actions.

Ronald Reagan

Even a private party would have to have a gnf license an permit.

I understand that but they are friends or family he knows and are paying HUGE $$$ to hunt his property. He gut shot these elk in PV because they were competeing with his cattle for graze. I was told he hated the elk and thats why he did it. He was quoted saying that G&F did nothing to help him and his cattle were going hungry. Those elk were there LONG before he leased that land I say. The other fact about this, He gets hunt tags for his own property from G&F. Kinda of BS if you ask me. You get busted before and the G&F still helping him make $$$

Land owner tags in AZ? Don't think so. Maybe he's feeding you guys some bull.


I stand corrected. I researched the landowner tags and AZ is NOT a state that gives them. You are right about the guy feeding me a line of BS. Sorry for any confusion. I do know that the guy I am talking about was the one prosecuted for shooting the elk in PV. and now lives up in unit 10. I only wish I had a camera when I was there to show the Elk herd that lives on his land.

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Not saying people aren't paying to hunt his property with or without a tag. Sounds like a piece of work either way.

Totally a D-bag from what I have experienced. The day I was watching this herd of elk one of his workers drove up and told me about ever set foot on his property. You WILL be Prosecuted he said. I asked him if I was on his land. He said no. I said conversation is over and he left.

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I heard Vaquero Outfitters was going to call AZGFD Officer Shawn Wagner as their star witness...

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Some would say that having someone else finish off a wounded elk for you, tagging it and donating the meat, is a bit different.

Than an Outfitter who hires a professional wildlife herding pilot, who then herds antelope for you probably a big buck or two

out of an existing open archery hunt unit into your own private ranch.... not the moral equivalent.


Allegedly, maybe he was herding cattle in August ,

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