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Arizona Griz

Nice Coues Deer buck

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That?s no deer, its on optical illusion, but for a small fee, I will pack up the Mystery Machine and go investigate. What I?ll need is the exact GPS coordinates and $40.00 for gas. Scooby and I will leave the night of the 26th and hope to report back by the 30th.


Shaggy :)


Great buck and good luck.

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I was going to guess unit 23, above Roosevelt Lake. But then you said there was a double wide trailer nearby, so I change my guess to Gila Bend.

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How exciting, makes one look forward to the up coming season!!!


:D Great job!!! :D





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How exciting, makes one look forward to the up coming season!!!


:D Great job!!! :D





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AZ Griz,


Those pictures have inspired me to increase my scouting efforts!!!! What a buck!!!



Thank you.

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That is a awesome buck. You have got me pumped up now. I cannot wait until Aug 27th. I'm sure I will not be fortunate enough to run across something like that. Even if I did, I probably wouldn't be able to pull my bow back.


Good luck



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Let's see now...

Mesquite trees,

2 miles from major highway,

off good dirt road,

marginal elk habitat,

double wide trailer within 1/4 mi.,

Recurve man said , "Nice trick tank." I also think that looks like a trick tank fence,

So we are looking for a trick tank with a dirt burm,

Recurveman is putting all that together and figuring unit 22,

111 says that he knows that Griz has a 22 elk tag,

Redman, you may not need GPS coordinates, maybe you can research trick tank sites in unit 22 and go find the one that matches all the clues AND the photos.

Wouldn't take much work if it is unit 22, and the payoff will be giant. And what about the two other bucks? Think this toad is running with a couple of forkies?

Probably not.

Griz, does your co-worker log on to this site?


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Arizona Griz


Your probably thinking this is the last time I post one of my pictures on this forum. I got people trying to narrow this buck down to a small area. Don't worry theres to many cedars and junipers in this state and none of us will ever luck into this giant. Prepare yourself to hunt a monster of a lifetime this upcoming archery season. Oh yeah who gets the treestand to sit in, your co-worker or you?

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Oh yeah who gets the treestand to sit in, your co-worker or you?


My friend found the buck while scouting in his unit. I will be bear hunting and scouting in mine. :ph34r:

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Arizona Griz, I didn't want that quote to hit personally. You mentioned on setting up a treestand, so if both of you were to know about the buck how it would all work out.

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111, not at all. As you can see by the pictures he is going to have a hard time finding a place for the stand and with the water drying up it will be interesting in finding out how far the deer will go to the next water, hoping there is some not to far away.

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If I was your friend I would start thinking how many gallons of water I could fit into my truck so that water hole don't dry up! HAHAHA!!!! :D





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Sorry I blew up, I looked at the pistures again and the third picture does have a mesquite tree in it I was paying more attention to deer than the details around the deer.

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I'm glad you don't feel threatened by all the guess work. Apparently we're not even close. Good. I'd hate to see somebody share a nice pic of a big buck and then big mouth their way into a bunch of competition. Apparrently you know what you are doing.

I am still really suspicious of all this cyber sharing, and can't help but feel we sometimes shoot ourselves in the foot.

I hope you buddy kills that toad with his bow, and good luck bear hunting!!!!!!


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