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Muzzy bull killed in a secret unit in Az.

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My good friend Eric drew a muzzy tag after a 6b early rifle tag last year. The 6b bull is at the Taxi.

We scouted the secret unit all summer and found elk in different areas, we were mostly watching the cows. We have hunted this unit for years and Eric decided he would choose his bull when the opportunity was presented.

Openining morning in the secret unit, we glassed up 3 bulls and 5 cows. They were approximately 3000 yards away. It was 6 am , we decided to make a move on a huge 5x5 in the group.

We hiked in after the smalll heard and got whithin 930 yards. Our glasser from 3000 yards was calling the big 5 point 320" to 340 ". I'm not big on scoring, but he was big.

Now were kinda stuck looking cross mountian and the big bull is stairring us down. We settled in waited for the elk to make the next move.

The big bull and his cows walked over the mountian, leaving the smaller 5 pt. I thought lets play with that 5 pt.. The 5 was still at 930 yards in kinda open country, and we hit the cow call and he came straight to us in about 10 mins. He came into 75 yards and got buggered, he walked a little and turned broad side at 200 yards. My good friend Eric put him down in the secret unit.



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good for him but 2 muzzy tags 2 yrs in a row - then a 25 tag unit taboot


it's ok but you know the program - sucks for guys waitng 6-8 yrs

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I know what unit you're secret unit is congrats on your success not many people can draw back to back tags like that maybe you could make it three in a row

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Do all those lights on the quad make a difference? How hard are they on the battery?

Congrats on the elk!

the factory lights suck, so they are disconnected. I havn't had a problem with the battery, but I normally don't run all at the same time. And yes a night and day difference.

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