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Non-Typical Solutions

Some Days??

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So not exactly the same project but the same idea....this is a mutt dog piggy bank and the rear end on mutt dog is similar to the cow piggy bank, which happens to be what the first picture with failure to cut to the line shows.




Here are other samples of piggy banks kids are working on!!



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I don't see any blood, I call that a win.

Absolutely a win........number one rule........no injuries!!!

Ok so when I was in high school and often my eyesight was blurry and my mind very unclear and possibly moving slOwwwww after lunch.. So happens my wood class was right after mind altering lunch hour and while making a chess board I about lost my junk! Don't use a table saw when under the influence of mind altering lunchtime snacks. Partner on the saw that day had a similar lunch and he did not hold the strip of wood that was maybe 2' x 1/2" and that thing vibrated into blade and KABLAM! I flinched at just the right moment causing it to strike me in hip joint/groin and knock me clean off my feet! Board went thru levis and left Mark like tattoo in crease of hip. I got up bounced around went straight to nurse with chunk of wood in hand and she says well can you show me and I dropped pants at her desk in front of all the sick kids. L.O.L.


Classmates that were cringing cuz thought it whacked my wiener decided they should stick a board in saw to see how bad it was and they shot it thru 2 layers of drywall into classroom our teacher was in. HE WAS NOT VERY IMPRESSED WITH THE CHOICE TO DO SO.


Many props to you teachers! I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher right up till I sat in on a class of 5 yr olds all in same place at same time with same volume. 😩 it was HORRIBLE.

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Some tines spell check do nut work and also voice reconizitation soft wear. I look up in the dictionary but cant find cause cant spell. What do a rednek do? Also my huntin pecker style of tiping is sloe so dont want to do over. :unsure:



huntin pecker.......



Just about lost it.

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Some tines spell check do nut work and also voice reconizitation soft wear. I look up in the dictionary but cant find cause cant spell. What do a rednek do? Also my huntin pecker style of tiping is sloe so dont want to do over. :unsure:



huntin pecker.......



Just about lost it.


That would be Javelina hunting right!!!

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Some tines spell check do nut work and also voice reconizitation soft wear. I look up in the dictionary but cant find cause cant spell. What do a rednek do? Also my huntin pecker style of tiping is sloe so dont want to do over. :unsure:

I seen what you did their. :D

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Some tines spell check do nut work and also voice reconizitation soft wear. I look up in the dictionary but cant find cause cant spell. What do a rednek do? Also my huntin pecker style of tiping is sloe so dont want to do over. :unsure:



huntin pecker.......



Just about lost it.

That would be Javelina hunting right!!!

Hard to say. Down in Tucson it could mean any number of things

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