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Utah monster bull?

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Maybe this is old news but somebody sent me pictures of a HUGE bull killed in UT by Jimmy Ryan. One of the pics had him and 8 Mossback guys in it. There are so many guys it looks like a reform school class photo. :lol: Says the bull scores 443 and I totally believe it could gross every bit of that. It is a 6X7 with the 7th being an extra 2nd point on the rt. side. With that point deducted it would still gross score well over 400. Might net close to 415 typical! Nontypical I bet it would net close to 430. You guys know me and what I think about that kind of talk but I know what big bulls look like and I saw these pictures. Why do they need 8 guides to get this bull? <_< <_<

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Maybe this is old news but somebody sent me pictures of a HUGE bull killed in UT by Jimmy Ryan. One of the pics had him and 8 Mossback guys in it. There are so many guys it looks like a reform school class photo. :lol: Says the bull scores 443 and I totally believe it could gross every bit of that. It is a 6X7 with the 7th being an extra 2nd point on the rt. side. With that point deducted it would still gross score well over 400. Might net close to 415 typical! Nontypical I bet it would net close to 430. You guys know me and what I think about that kind of talk but I know what big bulls look like and I saw these pictures. Why do they need 8 guides to get this bull? <_< <_<


1 to drive the truck with the hunter, the gps and the radio and the other 7 to fly the planes.



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Must be sad to have to walk around living bitterly jealous.


I don't think that was implied anywhere in the above posts. ;)


BTW, if any animal is harvested with the use of radios it cannot be entered in P&Y, BIA and possibly B&C. :D

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Must be sad to have to walk around living bitterly jealous.


Definitely, not bitter or jealous. I would rather kill a spike or eat tag soup than just be a shooter and not a hunter.

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Must be sad to have to walk around living bitterly jealous.


I don't think that was implied anywhere in the above posts. ;)


BTW, if any animal is harvested with the use of radios it cannot be entered in P&Y, BIA and possibly B&C. :D


I don't think anyone implied it WAS going to be entered. Most people are aware of that law anyway. That's under the assumption they were even used.


I'll tell you why I think 8 people were used. You have 1 hunter. Possibly 2 guides. And 5 die hard hunters like ourselves that would love to tag along on a hunt of a lifetime and help someone else out! I'll tell you what, if I drew the raffle coues tag, I can think of 8 fantastic hunters that would love to be there right by my side to find a specific buck. Not necassarily because myself and a couple others COULDN'T make it happen. Only because it's so much fun with friends glassing for 1 animal (and yes, your odds are MUCH better with more people behind the glass).


You don't see too many people talking about sheep hunters and their crew of 10+ people out there. It's fun! Most of the time it's necassary when looking for 1 particular animal in such a vast amount of land. Yes, even for elk, as most of you already know.


This is one of my most memorable hunts. I had my brother, his two boys and a couple good friends to help on the last day of my hunt two years ago. We all got to enjoy it together!!!!


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I believe this is the bull.




Congrats to the hunter on a magnificent bull.

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Who cares how many people are used? As long as they are all there to hunt, and not carrying weapons to buddy hunt ( note : i am NOT implying anything here) then who cares? A bunch of people can go out and hunt even if one person has a tag! Like you all have heard 100 times, I have the December 36b tag, i will have as many eyes as i can get out there with me! Why? Because i want a big buck and fact of the matter is the more eyes that are out there, the better my chances are of finding a good one! Not because I dont think I can find a good one for myself, but because i want to enjoy the time with friends and becase I want to increase my chances for success.



Congrats to ALL the people who were there, that is one AWESOME bull!!!

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I think many of us like to hunt with friends who also enjoy the sport. Having more eyes in the field also means having more feet, smells and noises there also. ore people means The more opportunity there is to spot the game but there is also more opportunity to BE SPOTTED by the game. It can be a double edged sword, so I would say let people hunt how they choose.


Having an outfitter guide you is not the same as using stearoids to hit more homers. No Asterick needed on most hunting records unless they are on fenced killing fields like some Buffalo "hunts".

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I don't understand why the huge negativity about having helpers. Everyone knows it's not the same as if you did it ALL on your own...BUT, WHY down talk or make it a point to take credit away from guys who have additional help on a hunt? I applaud guys who go out and do it all on their own, and I sure as heck don't try and take credit away from guys who incorporate their family and friends into their hunts! I also don't think any less of a hunter who hires a guide because he can't scout like he wants to becuase of a job or because he lives too far! YES, there are a few guys who hire guides that kill big critters and they didn't do anything to deserve it, but in that case, my hat's off to the guides and staff for their knowledge and skill. Yes, there is guys out there that break the law, hunt un-ethically, use radios, fly during the hunt, etc..........but it only makes you look like a fool when you jump to conclusions and surmise that just because there happens to be more than 1 individual in the photo, that it wasn't deserved or some law had to be broken!!! I think it's BS when guys make accusations not knowing the full facts, simply going off a photo or a rumor, or because there's more than 1 hunter in the photo then the animal had no chance! I would say to just keep it in perspective, and chalk it up for what it is, but don't automatically assume things off of a photo! AND, for the record, we did not use any radios on either of those bulls this year! ;) JIM>

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I do not want to get into a huge "Ethical / Unethical" debate, but can someone help differentiate the use of radios compared to using trail cameras :huh: . I am seeing alot of trash talking about radios and alot of praising the use of trail cams. Help me understand the difference please :blink:.

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a trail cam lets you see what kind of animals are in an area while a guy with a radio in the next canyon can call you and say hey the big one is over here come and shoot it.with a trail camera you still have to go out and find the animal and with a radio the animal is already found.personally i like to hunt by myself or just with one other person. i get more satisfaction out of finding an animal and killing it myself then with a bunch of help from other people. that way nobody can say i wussed out and needed my hand held to find a big animal.

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a trail cam lets you see what kind of animals are in an area while a guy with a radio in the next canyon can call you and say hey the big one is over here come and shoot it.with a trail camera you still have to go out and find the animal and with a radio the animal is already found.


I get it, but the cameras tell you where and when the animal shows up to the water, salt etc... I kind of see that as the same technological advantage as the radios. Where do we stop with getting the upper hand on the animals? Faster bows, range finders, better optics, the bottom line is the hunter still has to make the stalk and the perfect shot. I think we are splitting hairs here. Am I wrong in thinking that? Please understand that i am not trying to start an argument, i am trying to find where hte lines are drawn or are ther lines at all. Is it Leagal Vs. Illeagal and "ethics" are to be defined by the individual?

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Jim Ryan is a great Conservationist and Hunter, the kind of guy that does not just play to win. I have friends that have hunted with him and he is very respectful of the animals that he hunts.... the man used to shoot a 95 lb bow (maybe less now) and is not just a shooter. Congrats on an amazing bull. :)



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