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Thanks for Unit 24A Help

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I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of you who were kind enough to offer information about Unit 24A to help my son and I. A special thanks to those 5 or 6 of you who took the time to call me. You all should be proud of your "community".


We ended up hunting the northern portion of the unit in the areas around FRs 473, 304, and 645. It was a tough hunt, presumably due to the prior mule deer hunt. We only saw 5 or 6 whitetail. Fortunately, one of them was a spike buck that we saw on Tuesday and my son was able to take his first deer. He was so excited to take his "trophy" and I am very proud of him. He is now hooked for life like the rest of us. Thanks again for helping to make this a memorable experience for him!


That afternoon, dad returned to a remote area where we had seen some buck sign earlier in the hunt, and I was able to glass up a respectable one right at dusk. Had to go back the next morning to bring it out, but it was worth the effort.


Thanks again and don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to return the favor.






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Dennis congrats on two fine bucks for you guys. Glad some of the info helped you out a bit. Looks like you got better info than i was able to give you as you hunted another location, But it looks like it turned out great for you. I am glad you were able to score. :rolleyes:

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Nice job guys and gals.Thats why I like this site so much---Considerate people lending a hand to help someone get there tag filled!!!Bravo on the bucks and the hunt!!!

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Good job. That little one is great :D . That is great that you are so involved in his life. Big thumbs up to both of you. Can't wait till my little one is old enough.



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awesome job!!!!!...way to go!....im glad to see you were able to tag out....sorry if some of us came across a little rude

those coues sure are beautiful deer

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