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My First Coues - 36B

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3x3 taken opening day in 36B, 406 yard shot with a 25-06 Remington 700 Sendero 115 gr. Berger VLD. Big thanks to my father in-law Ron and his brother Mark who spotted the deer. Couldn't have done it without them.





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Awesome buck!!!! Congratulations on your 1st coues.

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Congrats on your first Coues, a dandy for sure.

Could you describe the wound channel of the VLD?





Big, round and bloody...just kidding. How did the bergers perform?


Great first coues!!

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Congrats on your first Coues, a dandy for sure.

Could you describe the wound channel of the VLD?




Penetration was good both shots on the buck went clear through. Unfortunately the buck was shot late in the day on Friday. Couldn't locate him on Friday night, had two flat tires, with only one spare, on Saturday so we didn't get back out to find him until Sunday. Found him 30 yards from where we were looking on Friday night. Crows had started to dig into him by the time we found him, which made judging what damage was caused by the bullet and what was caused by the crows pretty tough. I can say that he didn't make it far (less than 50 yards from where he was shot) even though neither shot was a heart/lung shot.



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