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Coues 'n' Sheep

Ladies' Luck!

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I was really fortunate to get to tag along on a couple of Friend/Family deer hunts this last month. Man was it a blast.... I love getting to go to the woods just to drive the Ranger around look for critters and not be in charge of anything! :D


Well first was the Early Coues hunt and my son, Colton, was planning to help his girlfriend, Amber, with her hunt.... now there is a couple of really cool things to point out about this hunt: I raised a hunting nut of a son in Colton.... My buddy, Brian (or B-Dog as we call him), raised a hunting nut of a daughter in Amber..... This was going to be her first deer hunt with out Dad by her side.... This was going to be Coltons first girlfriend that hunted, deer hunt... and for me the first time the "kids" asked me to tag along! My buddy, Brian, was chasing a Monster buck in another part of the unit so me and the kids headed out to some of my favorite Coues spots.


First day I glassed 5 bucks over 80 inches but nothing I thought would for sure break 100".... and watched one of those bucks get hammered by a very happy lady hunter (probably a 90"+ buck). We were looking for better... there was tons of hunters in there so Colton made the call for him and Amber go check out a spot that I had taken pics of a Giant Fork and picked up a nice in line 5 point (4 point) shed horn this year... while I stayed looking for a Big buck I had seen a month sooner in the area. We all go skunked...


Morning two: Colton wanted to back looking for the "Big Fork" (a 90"-95"er) and "The Inline 5" (a 99"-100"er) again while I checked other areas.... He chose a small preasure ridge instead of the big point where we normally glass from.... and it paid off. They could have shot the big fork several times but held out for the bigger buck that was with him... after hours of sitting on them he offered a shot.... They got him! It took me quite a while to get to where they were and as I walked up and grabbed the horns I knew at once it was the buck I had the shed off of!! I was so proud of our kids getting it done on their own!! Bad to the Bone! Here is Amber's 101 7/8 gross buck . Congrats Amber!!!





The following week was the Mulie hunt and we were back at it.... My buddy, Stuffy, was planing on his wife getting her first deer on the ground and I was gunna watch! Katie could not hunt on the Opener because of School duties, so Stuffy and I went looking anyhow..... we found a good first buck that day but what was better was the fact that where we were that morning had NO other hunters! :blink: We decided that we would put all our efforts into that area because we knew the deer were there and hunters were not. We had the place to ourselves for the most part of the next 2 days... On Saturday morning Katie spotted 3 bucks at about 800 yds and the game was on! One of the bucks was a big 3 point and that was the one we wanted. They put the moves on him for several hours and could never get a clean shot on him in the thick nasty crap he was in... after hours of waiting and playing cat & mouse the buck bedded in the worst possible place and we opted to back out for the morning hunt. That evening we got skunked as the deer got up at or after dark with a full moon. Morning found us on the same rock looking at the same hill.... no deer. Finally about 8:30 am a coyote howling in the canyon seemed to get to does and a small buck up and moving.... and our 2 smaller bucks from the day before were in tow.... no Big 3. The smaller 3 point from the day before was a decent buck and Katie said she like to try for him.... so the stalk was on again. Our two smaller bucks began to back track to where they came from.... and then bedded on us before Stuffy could get her into a good possition to make a clean shot so the wait began. At 11:40 the smaller 3point stood moved 5 yds and rebedded in the open and while Stuffy was trying to relocate him he found the Big 3, who had been bedded right there since before glassing light!! What is more, he was bedded about 100 yds from yesterdays bed... holding tight they were! It was so thick that Stuffy had Katie standing behind the Stony Points leveling my 300 WBY (the Tradition) on the buck at a distance of 357 yds when he stood to swap ends in his bed.... Boom! The buck hit the dirt tried to regain his feet and came to rest not 7 feet from his bed! An old mature buck and Dandy first deer!!! Congrats Katie!!



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Thanks for sharing Gino, and a big congratulations to the hunters and all those involved!!!

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