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Non-Typical Solutions

My Son

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Three years ago my son (willie) and his buddies went to a Suns game all painted up. Got their picture taken while there and it was spotted on several ESPN commercials.

But look what showed up on a billboard in downtown Phoenix.




Third from the left, that is my boy!!!

Willie, I am so proud of you, you finally hit the bigh times :blink:

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There is a song out there we both really like and make fun of, "Who's that girl wearin nothing but a smile", we have just been busting up all day about how ironic it is we made fun of that song and now his mug is pasted on a billboard.

Willie is basking in the light of fame, a bunch of redneck snowflake boys hitting the big time in the city, whooo hoooo..............

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So they are putting rednecks on billboards these days......???? Whats the world coming too :lol: :lol:


Thats pretty cool!


Wonder if they can give you copies of the pictures for the scrap book?

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That certainly is something to cherish for a lifetime. I bet the girls are calling after seeing those studs. :lol: ;)



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Helll, I dont want the scrap books... I want paychecks for the royalites!


Disclaimer in fine print on the back of all tickets, "Photos taken are the property of the Suns organization".....not a direct quote but something like that..........so no big bucks from that gig. <_<

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