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I Got Robbed!!

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Well I went to check two cameras that I put out last week, Both being the most exspensive ones I own. They were both gone. The most disrepectful part of it was the second camera was 12 ft in a tree with no branches. So who ever stole it found it and had to come back to get something to reach it with. Secondly, they poured a bag of water softner salt over the top of my brown salt. Wow what loser. Im going back in there and posting a sign in the middle of the salt "I will see YOU Opening day A#$#^%$^&" . Hunters get so jelous that someone else found a potentially good spot and can't leave shoot alone. So I say thanks to all the Jerkoff Want to be Hunters who can't find a spot for themselves.


It was in unit 23 south of young.

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Sorry to hear about your cams.. :unsure:

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A shame you have to mount a hidden camera somewhere close by to catch the culprits but how fun would that be to actually film someone doing it, then run into them later on and have the proof to show while you put a pop knot on their grape! Not condoning violence or anything but I'm just saying...

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I wonder how many trailcams are out there in the woods? I own one and will be buying another soon. Most people have more than one cam out there and I talked to a guy the other day that has 40! So I am not surprised we are going to cross paths with each other but why be a scum-bag and steal someone elses property!

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Guest 300ultramag.

check boot tracks..... check tires.... tracks... I ve learned alot about people by puttin my nose to the ground.... I have two guys in my area I nkow what gum they chew... the two different trucks they drive.. what kind of video camera they have or video.. what kind of ciggerettes they smoke... and what kind of beer they drink...



who drinks schlitz while deer hunting????? seriously..


but if you get a boot track.. and you find a tire track.. if you hang out long enough youll find em'...


if its a good area... Im certain they baby sit the heck out of it.. good luck..

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that is just stupid<<<<< i had the same idea of putting in up in a tree and climing it with my climber. i guess noting is safe. sorry to hear that!!!! I know the one i have on water has me stressed and im just praying for the best!

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I always wanted to take one if my old 35mm cameras, rip out the insides, stuff a big ole snake in there, then strap it to a tree and wait for some scumbag to steal it. Hopefully they will wait until they have it inside their truck before they open it.





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I have a cammera out since before I left for Africa... I too am worried plan to check it this weekend.... :unsure: .... hope it is still there....

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Sorry to hear that.


I am surprised more of them aren't stolen. I have been checking my cameras for a month or so and have run across several other cameras that are just sitting there waiting to be stolen. No locks, cables or anything. One of them was strapped to a tree, then the next week to a rock on the ground, and then last weekend it was strapped to a make shift pile of sticks acting like a tripod. I left it alone, but I doubt it will stay on that tank for long.



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All the locks and cables and bear boxes just keep the honest people from stealing them.


And as far as boot tracks and tires treads, what am I going to do ask them, " hey did you steal my trail cams?" Theres no recourse for this. Just wish I could see Karma in action.

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Guest 300ultramag.
All the locks and cables and bear boxes just keep the honest people from stealing them.


And as far as boot tracks and tires treads, what am I going to do ask them, " hey did you steal my trail cams?" Theres no recourse for this. Just wish I could see Karma in action.



yes!?! buts lets digress.. shall we...

thats ur end of it.. you do what ever ur little heart tells you to do..



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I don't feel sorry for anyone losing a trail cam .... It is the risk you take for abandoning something on public land in the forest .... It is like tacking $100.00 bills to trees and leaving them for anyone to see and not just hunters .... and to assume that hunters are responsible is a joke!!! in that unit I see more traffic from recreation types from hikers to horseback to trail riders on their quads and bikes .... any and all could just as likely be the culprit ... While I will never condone or agree that people taking what does not belong to them no matter the circumstance is right ... I will not feel sorry for those that willing put themselves at risk by leaving them out there Just as I will never agree with baiting .... But good luck not losing your next ones

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