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he is a muslim. and clinton is no better, both hillary and bill. The only reason bill had a good 8 years is because of GEORGE H. BUSH. Com on, the muslims attacked the U.S. embassy and if W or Pops were in office we would be seeing some s$$t going on in the middle east. Ask Hank Williams Jr about the politics. U-tube it.

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he is a muslim. and clinton is no better, both hillary and bill. The only reason bill had a good 8 years is because of GEORGE H. BUSH. Com on, the muslims attacked the U.S. embassy and if W or Pops were in office we would be seeing some s$$t going on in the middle east. Ask Hank Williams Jr about the politics. U-tube it.


Totally Agree. America is not to be poked at by muslims or any other group of people that have hostile intentions toward us.

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check out the movie "2016"... a documentary about where we are headed if he is voted in again.

haven't seen it yet but I plan on it.

If this was a lefty michael moore docu you would have seen it all over the lamestream media!

from what I was reading the guy talks about how (N)obama wants to lessen our role in the world and redistribute wealth across the rest of the world.

check it out.




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We will gladly take your financial aid......but then we will kill you.....American Infidels.



Obama totally pisses me off man, We are one of the strongest nation on Earth with more resources,technology, and skills then we know what to do with, and these savages raid our resources and property, without even the slightest retaliation.

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He wants to hold hands with some countries but has no use for others.....like Israel. How many billions did he send to Egypt to influence their election of the muslim brotherhood candidate? Yeah...that was money WELL spent.


In a few weeks the Israelis are going to rain fire on Iran if we do not take a stronger stance against them and support Israel. Obama is too busy with Letterman to even meet with the Israeli PM.

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I like to call him "THE DEMANDER AND THIEF" ... I think it fits him and his policies perfectly.

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went to see '2016 Obama"s America'.

very scary stuff!

This guy lays it all out......

not accusing him of being muslim or not being a citizen, just lays out stuff from 1 of obummers books "Dreams FROM my Father' A father he only met 1 time! An anti colonial SOCIALIST! Some interviews with various people, like his brother and grandmother and a few other people. Shows his association with people that are anti colonial and against capitolism. How he has weakend and continues to weaken the country militarily and monetarily.

If you haven't seen it, it is a must see! You will be more informed for sure!

I cannot believe this guy got voted into office!

People that voted for him just so they wouldn't be viewed as a racist really need to wake up!

Any one who wants to vote for him again, go see this documentary and tell me then if you will still vote for him!!!!!!!!!!



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I went to see for myself what all the hoopla was about regarding this "Must See" film. All I can tell you all is don't waste your hard earned money on this garbage. *2016 Obama's America...While the movie certainly quotes much from Obama directly, the unsupported claims are the clincher. You need to take into account who is saying them. There's too much unsupported B. S. in this movie wrapped around "out of context direct quotes from Obama. It is no different than Michael Moore bashing Bush in the same way. I think it's sad how much elections are about bashing the other guy. Make your mind up on the policies each candidate brings forth. Is there a clear distinction between the two? Don't make your mind up on the B.S. of this movie. Fact is, both candidates are good, smart men who are very capable of leading this country. The two have very different perspectives.

PS- I am a registered republican and you know who I will be voting for in November. Dinesh D'Souza is the republican version of the dems Michael Moore.

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I wanted to go see the movie but my wife said I was gonna have to go by myself, that ain't no fun.


Venadito, I agree, watching that movie shouldn't be how a person decides to vote but one thing about your post that really confuses me.


You asked if there was a clear distiction between the two????

Both candidates are good, smart men who are very capable of leading this country>

Then, The two have very different perspectives????


I don't see one thing that Obama has done that is good, or makes me believe he is capable of leading this country.

Maybe you could enlighten me on where his ability is??? What is he capable of???


You make a good point aout the movie( which I haven't see) but then confuse me about how both of these guys are capable???


Just confused...........

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Somebody please remind me of why he got elected, what policies he stated he was going to do? Did he do any of those? Did I miss this? DO I NEED TO MOVE TO CANADA?

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Canada sucks! So does australia! And every othe country in the world. Usa is the last ditch effort of people wanting freedom. Freedom that is slowly being lost. I have canadian relatives and they love it there, but they dont have many freedoms and are used to it now. Gun ownership is the biggest detractant for me. Forget it if you just want a gun to have it. You better have a darn good reason for wanting one and dont get caught with it outside your house. Hmmm kind of like chicago. Lol!

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Funny to me how all these al qaeda supporting countries can carry ak's open in public yet people like obama dont want a us citizen to even own a gun. Seems like thats just asking for trouble.

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