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No Weapons Allowed

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I'v been an in-patient at Maryvale Hospital since Weds. a.m. and have been using the hospital's (Abrazo) free wi-fi to log on from my room. There haven't been any problems with accessing this site or any of the others of this type that I visit daily.


BUT...I was reading messages a bit ago and tried the link in the thread about Olympic Arms. I quickly got a screen that said FORBIDDEN in big letters. It went on to say the site is "filtered" because it involves "weapons."


More telling me what is good or bad for me, I guess. :angry:

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Yeah all those lasers, scalpels and other things are for the good of mankind and couldn't be considered weapons. Haha.


I'll bet you can access all the porn you want!

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Typical web filtering based on keywords. I worked at a hospital and we used to have some legitimate medical sites blocked as "porn"...it wasn't too difficult to get them unblocked with appropriate justification, but it did get annoying.

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I hope you get repaired and out of the hospital.


Hospitals kill more people on a yearly basis then guns ever will


+1 If you weren't sick when you got there you'll probably get sick before you leave. Get out as soon as you can!

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Nah, it's a real downer being in this place. Can't get to my fav porn sites either. :rolleyes: Heck, they even have Twitter and Facebook filtered out as "social networking."


Not sure when I get to go home yet after my unexpected arrival here. Last doc to visit a bit ago seemed to think it won't be until Mon. at the earliest. At least I'm on a normal diet so I get to order off a pretty extensive menu that even has some junk food such pizza, fries,etc. Last night I had chicken noodle soup, tossed salad, fried chicken, french fries, corn and a coke. Not quite as good as home but not too bad.

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Nah, it's a real downer being in this place. Can't get to my fav porn sites either. :rolleyes: Heck, they even have Twitter and Facebook filtered out as "social networking."


Not sure when I get to go home yet after my unexpected arrival here. Last doc to visit a bit ago seemed to think it won't be until Mon. at the earliest. At least I'm on a normal diet so I get to order off a pretty extensive menu that even has some junk food such pizza, fries,etc. Last night I had chicken noodle soup, tossed salad, fried chicken, french fries, corn and a coke. Not quite as good as home but not too bad.

Thats the one thing about eating corn. It looks the same going in, as it does cominng out.


Stay off of the porn sites. You are in the hospital and need your rest ;)

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LOL, you better check with your doc before you spend time on those sites - might put much strain on the ol' ticker ;)

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. Last night I had chicken noodle soup, tossed salad, fried chicken, french fries, corn and a coke. Not quite as good as home but not too bad.


wait till you get the bill for that one hospital tripples the cost of food


hope you have a fast and safe return to homelife!

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I hope your illness is not serious and that they release you early, Tony. Hospitals are no fun.


Bill Quimby


Most serious aspect is I'm bored silly! :D


At this point, the seriousness is still kind of up in the air since the tests are still ongoing.


A bit of background:


Played golf last Sun. and by the time I was done with 18, it felt like my chest would explode. So I rode it out for two days as it abated a bit. But then Weds. morning it got bad again. Called my GP and he sent me direct to ER. They admitted me almost immediately, and I've been in here since.


They quickly ruled out any heart issues with complete tests, including a nuke scan. So it basically came down to my lungs, which are mush anyway from COPD. Both a chest X-ray and CT scan showed a lesion in the upper right lung. At first, they thought it might me TB, and as a result they have me in a private isolation room where everyone has to wear a gown and mask to enter. One test on my arm proved negative for TB exposure, but to be sure, they're doing three daily TB culture tests that each takes 48 hrs.for the final result. They must also be negative before they can discharge me.


The consensus of three different docs are somewhat encouraging since they pretty much ruled out a tumor and seem to agree the lesion is likely from a bout of pneumonia. So I'm getting lots of antibiotics and TLC from a lot of obese nurses and nurses' aids. :rolleyes: And since I'm in a private room, I don't have to fight over what TV channel to watch.


And...thanks for the well wishes everyone!

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