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Any sucess in 24A this weekend?

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That is a great deer. I dont think just 24a is the only unit with this problem. My dad said he read a news paper article that said the kill rare was to high so the only way gf saw to lower the rate was to raise the permits and it must be working. I blame the people who lie on the big game thing they send out

plz tell me thats a joke

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Awesome buck bc! Love the character.

Tough hunts can be some of the most memorable.

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That is a great deer. I dont think just 24a is the only unit with this problem. My dad said he read a news paper article that said the kill rare was to high so the only way gf saw to lower the rate was to raise the permits and it must be working. I blame the people who lie on the big game thing they send out

plz tell me thats a joke

How could people lying raise the tags if the kill rate was too high?

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Because g&f use the survey to judge the kill rate in units. And I know people that mark that they killed something when they haven't

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/>Because g&f use the survey to judge the kill rate in units. And I know people that mark that they killed something when they haven't

Not to derail this thread but...

I also know of people that report 'No Kill' on their survey when they did kill. They worry that somehow G&F is going to track their harvest and punish them by not 'allowing' them to draw a tag the next year.

I think this all comes out in the wash and tag numbers are determined by deer survey results that they do each year as well as stratified data (with errors from false and lack of reporting) from hunter harvest surveys.

If you want your opinion to be heard re: tag numbers etc, voicing them on a forum isn't the best venue. I would also encourage every hunter to visit a G&F office when the hunt recommendations are open for comment. Become familiar with how the data are used and what goes into the recommendations.

As some have already stated about these meetings, there are generally only a few (like 3 or 4 tops) hunters present at each meeting. Be vocal and involved.

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/> Because g&f use the survey to judge the kill rate in units. And I know people that mark that they killed something when they haven't

Not to derail this thread but...

I also know of people that report 'No Kill' on their survey when they did kill. They worry that somehow G&F is going to track their harvest and punish them by not 'allowing' them to draw a tag the next year.

I think this all comes out in the wash and tag numbers are determined by deer survey results that they do each year as well as stratified data (with errors from false and lack of reporting) from hunter harvest surveys.

If you want your opinion to be heard re: tag numbers etc, voicing them on a forum isn't the best venue. I would also encourage every hunter to visit a G&F office when the hunt recommendations are open for comment. Become familiar with how the data are used and what goes into the recommendations.

As some have already stated about these meetings, there are generally only a few (like 3 or 4 tops) hunters present at each meeting. Be vocal and involved.

+1 I would say FAAARR more people mark no kill than lie about killing one.

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Bonecollector did a great job getting this buck. Glad I could be there as it went down. Great shooting bud. It was a pleasure meeting you and your uncle.

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Congrats on your buck Eric!! Amazing shot BTW! Let me know when your cooking up the back straps I'll accidentally stop by for dinner. 👍

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Congrats on your buck Eric!! Amazing shot BTW! Let me know when your cooking up the back straps I'll accidentally stop by for dinner.

3 deer and a Bull this year, stop by anytime there is plenty. LOL

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/>Here's my 24A whitetail buck this year. 450 yds one shot drop.


That buck looks familiar. Was that you and your buddy's that stopped by our camp on your way out with that buck Friday night? Me and my brother were cutting up my brothers small 2 point at the time.

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/>Here's my 24A whitetail buck this year. 450 yds one shot drop.

Ha Ha. Yes that was us. Had a great time meeting you guys and BS'ing for a bit at your camp. Congrats again on your deer.



That buck looks familiar. Was that you and your buddy's that stopped by our camp on your way out with that buck Friday night? Me and my brother were cutting up my brothers small 2 point at the time.

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