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Colleen and Erika's Coues Bucks

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My wife Colleen drew her first deer tag, ended up getting our third choice for a unit we all haven't spent lots of time in. She applied with our friend Erika and she was able to take a nice coues buck last year which was her first deer. For Colleens birthday earlier this year I bought her a Ruger American Rifle in .243 and we went to the range several times in preparation for the hunt. The long wait finally ended and the two of us and our friends, Nelson and his wife Erika were headed South. Friday morning came and went, we glassed up quite a few does and saw some hunters here and there. We had seen bucks the week prior and were pretty disappointed in the lack of bone for the morning. We checked access to a place I had seen from a distance and we decided to make the walk for the afternoon hunt. After a little over an hour walk, we were sitting on a knoll looking at some pretty promising country. Erika glassed up a couple bucks around 4:30 and opted to pass for something bigger. Colleens goals for this hunt were a branch antlered buck and this guy fit the bill just fine. We tried to hustle to close the distance as shooting light was not on our side. We got to about 275 yards and relocated the bucks but the terrain was too thick to get a shot off the bi-pod. As we moved in to a better spot, I see a split trunk oak with a nice v shape and a good height to rest the gun. Unfortunately, two does that we didnt even see spooked out and sent the bucks packing. Colleen got to see the flag and I let her know that meant game over! At last light, Nelson glassed up four more bucks but it was just too late to do anything. Long walk back in the dark, but we knew we had a spot to fall back on if needed.


On Day two, we decided to drive roads and glass relatively close to truck. We saw some great country, glassed up does and pigs throughout the day and Colleen was able to pick out a lone coatimundi way out there, probably 800-1000 yards. Nelson is wanting to put one in the trophy room, but he was headed up and away, so we stayed on the glass and let him move on. The ladies did great behind the glass, they glassed just as hard as Nelson and I and were constantly locating does. We all took a mid-day nap and the ladies walked off to glass off the ridge while we were still napping lol. At that point, the guides knew they needed to step it up! Only one buck was spotted on day two, Erika and Nelson put a long stalk on him but he stayed out of range at around 600 yards. They were stuck out on a rock bluff with nowhere to go. The buck did a few teaser walks and appeared to commit coming their way, but it just didnt happen. On the drive home Saturday night, we decided we needed to walk back in to the area from Friday night and had high hopes of taking two bucks out of there.


Day three started with us meeting at 5:15 and heading down in one vehicle again. We got to our parking spot just a little late, it was kind of nice not having to do all the walking in the dark. We were glassing from our knoll by about 7:30. The morning was slow, I decided to walk over the ridge to check a different area and quickly spotted a buck. Soon after we were all four checking him out and we made a plan to cut the distance. There was a nice peninsula about 150 yards away that stuck out quite a ways into the wash and the buck was directly across. We had some trouble finding the perfect spot, all the while trying not to get busted. After several attempts at finding a suitable shooting platform, we finally got to the edge of a rock cliff, leaving a wide open field of view for the shot. She had the buck in the scope for several minutes, but he just wouldnt hold still and be at the right angle. He was walking either straight downhill or stopping broadside in the brush, it very frustrating for Colleen. As he moved through the brush, I told Colleen to get ready and I would stop him in a clearing he was almost at. Worked like a charm, I gave a loud erp and he froze in his tracks. Boom, 229 yards and the buck was down in his tracks without so much as a leg kick! After the celebration, we all agreed Erika and Andrew should get back to glassing and Colleen and I headed down to take pics and break down the buck. We were hoping to get two bucks down and we were only half way there!


Colleens first deer!








It took us forever to get everything done and packed up! We were laughing, talking, and just having a good time. Then reality set in as we were walking back up the ridge and I realized my pack was around a hundred pounds. Our packs were so overstuffed we had no choice but to eat lunch because we couldn't find a pocket to stuff it in. We finally got back to Nelson and Erika and they surprised us when they said they had some bucks bedded in a small draw. Although he couldnt see them, there was no way out with rock bluffs above so we all made a plan for them to move out to a point they could shoot into the draw and try and relocate the bucks. We hung the meat in the shade and got set up and off they went. It was just after noon and we were confident the plan was good. As they were getting into position, Colleen and I were laughing, she said she felt like a peeping tom because we watching them so much through the binos. It took a while, but Nelson was able to glass up the bedded bucks tucked in some grass. They were 275 yards with no good shot at the vitals. They decided to be patient and let the buck stand for a better shot and the wait began. Back at our glassing knoll, Colleen and I heard a few noises and I told her to keep an eye out for javis, thinking they might be somewhere close. After a while we went over and checked on the meat hanging in the tree to make sure it was still in the shade and we found a big surprise! The javelina had snuck into less than 30 yards from us and left a massive turd right by the deer head! We were laughing hysterically and unbelievably, never did get to see them.


Finally, at around 4 the little buck was up feeding and Erika got back in the rifle. We were watching and waiting in suspense. Nelson called me and told me where the little buck was feeding to and said I should be able to see him soon. Sure enough, he came over the top into plain view. Soon after just in time for the shot I caught a glimpse of the buck she was going to shoot and immediately the loud crack rang out. She made a perfect shoulder shot and we watched the buck tumble down the hill a bit and expire. Erika had just put her second coues buck on the ground! Colleen was bummed, she had just swung over to see the little buck after hours of watching Erika, waiting to see her shoot through the binos and she ended up missing it all.


Erika's second coues buck!










Our packs were overflowing so we decided to rearrange the packs and start heading out while Erika and Nelson moved over to take pictures and break down her buck. Talk about a heavy pack out for all of us! We made it back to the truck right after dark, which is about when they finally started walking out. They made good time and I know they put down the hustle on the way out.


We couldnt have asked for a better hunt. We had an awesome time hunting with Nelson and Erika, both the ladies tagged out on good bucks, perfect weather and we were in some beautiful country the whole time. Colleen is already asking whats next!


One last funny before the hunt was officially over, we got raided by BP while we were waiting in the truck for Nelson and Erika. They surrounded us and snuck up from all sides! Turned out they were looking for drug runners because of some suspicious activity spotted, people with large packs on their backs. US!!!! It was a good laugh for sure. We had a quick conversation and they headed back off into the darkness. I told them to be safe and we gave some thought to reflect how these guys and gals put their lives on the line for us and for that we should all be grateful.


My daughter Ashley has the same hunt in a different unit. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday is Father/Daughter time! To be continued.......

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Sure was a fun time in a unit we didn't know very well! Hopefully they'll draw their 1st choice next year!! I couldn't believe the number of small bucks we saw to the number of mature bucks (zero). It was still a great time and look forward to doing it again next year! Again, congrats to Colleen on your first of many!

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Looks like your girls put it to them. Congrats to both.

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Howdy Justin, that was a great read and please give my congratulations to Colleen. That's also an awesome picture of the two of you. Congrats also to Erika on her second buck. Looking forward to hearing about your next hunt with Ashly. Good luck. :)



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Very nice bucks!! Congrats ladies! Great Shooting!!

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Great bucks and great story. Congrats to the ladies and the guides. Thanks for sharing.

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Congrats on some great bucks! Glad you guys were able to connect in a unit you were unfamiliar with, and hopefully next year will be even better.

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